Ukraine’s Freedom March… on the global cannabis community to help us in the fight for the future of Ukraine

Freedom March is an independent organization operating in Ukraine since 2005. Today many members of our organization are in the Armed Forces of Ukraine fighting for our freedom; others provide volunteer assistance, purchase necessary protective and technical equipment and organize its delivery.

We, the Freedom March activists, call on the global cannabis community to help us in the fight for the future of Ukraine!

We are launching a fundraiser to provide critical humanitarian assistance to the people in Ukraine with two lines of priority.

First, we focus on our nation’s most affected and defenseless group – the orphans of the killed soldiers and civilians. These children urgently need medical and psychological care and financial support. We must help evacuate them to safety with the surviving members of their families and take care of their well-being for a while.

Second comes our central organization’s focus – the patients’ society of Ukraine, wounded and heavily injured soldiers and civilians, cancer patients, and other vulnerable groups impacted by the war. We will provide these people who lost all financial sources with proper vital treatment.

With your help, peace will be one step closer.

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