Nicaraguan President’s Son Muses On Cannabis Regulation Via Twitter

Via…. Noticas Sin

Juan Carlos Ortega Murillo, one of the sons of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, proposed this Tuesday to discuss the legalization of cannabis in the Central American country.

“When will be the time for Nicaragua to formally discuss the feasibility (or not) of decriminalizing the production, sale, possession and consumption of cannabis sativa and its derivatives?” Ortega Murillo wrote in a series of messages on Twitter. .

“Would it be worth discussing the issue with specialists based in those countries of our continent where the decriminalization of cannabis is already a reality?” he said in another message.

The also son of Vice President Rosario Murillo wondered under what regulations the production, marketing and consumption of cannabis sativa in Nicaragua could be governed.

Also if it would be feasible for production and marketing to be managed “under a family economy model that favors micro and small production in the countryside and the city.”

Likewise, he wondered how the decriminalization of cannabis would impact Nicaragua’s economic development and whether limiting the production quota “would guarantee that food production, vital for our food sovereignty and Nicaraguan exports, is not neglected.”

“Could the consumption of cannabis be regulated under the same regulations with which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is governed in the country?”, he inquired.

It also inquired about the possible “contributions” that “the regulation of the production and commercialization of cannabis could make to better confront organized crime and human trafficking.”

Ortega Murillo argued that “the benefits of using cannabis sativa for medicinal purposes are already more than proven” and “now we should study the experience of those countries where there are no longer any restrictions for any use, but where there are regulations that seek guarantee public order and safety.

Some of the Twitter users supported the president’s son’s idea of ​​legalizing cannabis and others criticized him on the grounds that he uses the topic to distract from the problems facing the country.

“You have the answer very close to Juan Carlos, here (in Nicaragua) everything moves under the maximum scrutiny of your mother Rosario (Murillo) and your father Daniel. Just talk to them,” replied a user who identified himself as “The Power “.

The Law on Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropics and other controlled substances establishes the dose allowed for a person for their own consumption for medical reasons at 10 grams of marijuana.

Meanwhile, the production, manufacture, export, import, distribution, trade, use and possession of drugs and narcotics, as well as the cultivation of plants, is limited to medical and scientific purposes.

Unless expressly authorized by the Ministry of Health, all activities related to the sowing, cultivation, production, collection, harvesting and exploitation of plants of the genera Papaver Sumniferum L (poppy) and its variety Album (papaveraceas) are prohibited throughout the national territory. ).

Also of Cannabis Sativa (marijuana, Indian variety and American variety), Eritroxylon novogranatense morris (coca bush) and its varieties (erythroxylaceas) and hallucinogenic plants such as Peyote (Mexican psilocybin) and all those other plants or parts of plants that have qualities of controlled substances.


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