Priti Patel Attacks Khan For Visiting Cali Cannabis Farm – Makes Dumb Remarks About “Tackling Gun & Knife Crime”

The Daily Mail report with glee about Khan’s Californian visit as Priti Patel lays into him about “Tackling Gun & Knife Crime”

Of course, she knows full well that if there was sensible drug management regulation enabled in order to start to undo the decades upon decades of drug prohibition, a good place to start would be cannabis, as Khan well knows.

A new approach will be the only way to start making the slow inroads that need to be made in order to start the slow uphill battle to decrease the influence of  organized crime who recruit youth to distribute drugs and kill each other as proxies in drug supply turf wars.

Full kudos to Khan but as always the messenger needs to be shot and ridiculed as quickly as possible so the Tories can push a tired old law & order narrative to disguise the fact that their mates are minting it on an organised cartel of so- called medical cannabis.

Never mind the disgrace that is the labour party’s official response to discussing decriminalization and regulation.

God forbid that people actually enjoy using cannabis. Better they spend their money at Wetherspoons and Paddypower et al


There was a short period of time that the Mail were getting a bit better on reporting drugs, we suspect because it attracted good advertising spend for people flogging dodgy CBD products but it appears we are now back to the Mail we know and don’t love

They write

‘Sadiq Khan’s time would be better spent focusing on knife and drug crime’: Priti Patel blasts London mayor’s call to legalise cannabis saying he has ‘no powers’ to decriminalise drugs – as Labour say they don’t support him EITHER

  • London Mayor Sadiq Khan visited an LA cannabis farm as he pressed plans to legalise the drug in the UK 
  • The move was an election pledge at last year’s City Hall race and puts him on crash course with Keir Starmer
  • Cannabis is classed as a class B drug, with a maximum sentence of five years in prison for possession 
  • Sceptics warn that regular cannabis use increases the risk of developing a psychotic illness 

Home Secretary Priti Patel has savaged Mayor of London Sadiq Khan’s plans to legalise cannabis – telling him ‘drugs ruin communities, tear apart families and destroy lives’.

Mrs Patel hit out at Mr Khan after pictures emerged of him in the US – on what he called a trip to  ‘bang the drum’ for London – visiting a legal drug farm and shop.

Mr Khan was so impressed with the cannabis outlet and production line he announced the formation of a new group to look at decriminalising the drug in Britain.

But the photoshot – which featured him looking serious surrounded by the plants – has prompted utter disbelief in some quarters.

Mrs Patel, who has vowed to crackdown on middle-class drug users, was no plan of the Mayor’s drive.

She said: ‘Sadiq Khan’s time would be better spent focusing on knife and drug crime in London.

‘The Mayor has no powers to legalise drugs.

‘They ruin communities, tear apart families and destroy lives.’

Mr Khan’s cannabis farm visit in Los Angeles and new decriminalisation group puts him on a collision course with Labour leader Keir Starmer.

A party spokesperson confirmed this morning: ‘Labour does not support changing the law on drugs.

‘Drugs policy is not devolved to mayors and under Labour would continue to be set by national government.’

The Mayor of London said former justice secretary Lord Charlie Falconer QC will be the chair of the first London Drugs Commission, which will assess the effectiveness of UK drug laws.

…and so on and so forth .. more of this at.


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