Australian Mainsteam Media Appears A Little Surprised By Cannabis Party Polling

We’re not sure why they should be surprised, all the numbers have been pointing to a healthy polling day for cannabis.

The country has over 100K medical patients who pay far too much for their prescriptions and in the main can only access these prescriptions from medical cannabis companies rather than GPs. These companies also tend to ask for hideously expensive consulting “fees” because the AMA refuses to take medical cannabis seriously so only very few GPs actually prescribe the stuff

Australia hasn’t even bothered to start the discussion of decriminalizing cannabis never mind regulating it on a national basis.

The police spend a lot of their time chasing cannabis users and growers

The list goes on and on

We aren’t sure why anybody would be surprised that a medical cannabis patient  or a casual cannabis user wouldn’t mark 1 in the senate box so the party  could put the pressure on the Greens to put pressure on Labor to do something about what is quite frankly a ridiculous state of affairs.

This correspondent did

We’d hope something would happen with regard to a regulation discussion at this juncture. Let’s wait and see



The Conversation

Legalise Cannabis Australia did well at the ballot box – but reform is most likely to come from a cautious approach



A different shade of green: Legalise Cannabis Party pushing Pauline Hanson for Senate spot


The Daily Mail

Why ‘it’s a matter of time’ before marijuana is fully legalised in Australia as pot party SWEEPS the election – and Pauline Hanson could LOSE her seat because of it

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