UK Shadow Attorney (Labour) Says No To Regulated Cannabis

Here’s an interview she conducted last week.

All we will say to the UK Labour party is take a look at voting patterns in the US, Canada and now Australia when it comes to cannabis.

Ignore the plant at your peril.


Here’s her take which is very stale indeed

Legalising cannabis won’t solve many of the problems the drug creates, Emily Thornberry says as she insists Labour can become the party of law and order.

The Shadow Attorney General says people who “idealise” the class-B drug need to listen to those people who have been damaged by its negative consequences.

Her tough stance follows the launch of a new commission on the effectiveness of laws on non-Class A drugs by her Labour colleague, London mayor Sadiq Khan.

Ms Thornberry makes her disapproval of the initiative clear during an interview with i, and says she doesn’t “have a lot of time” for people who say they are harassed over their drug use.

“The people you don’t hear enough are those like the old woman I spoke to recently, who said she was frightened to leave her flat because there was always a group of young boys smoking cannabis at the bottom of the stairwell.

“We don’t hear enough from the mothers of those boys who are off their heads the whole time and so separate from the rest of society,” she says.

“I don’t think that if it’s legalised… we will crack that problem,” she says, or that people will stop smoking skunk “just because you can get stuff over the counter”.

“If there’s going to be a debate, I want to make sure that we get everybody’s voices in there,” she adds.

Her comments reflect a drive to neutralise Conservative attacks that Labour is soft on crime and has even become the most trusted party to tackle the issue.


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