New Zealand: Ministry of Health Update – Medicinal cannabis products that meet the minimum quality standard – webpages updated

Medicinal cannabis products that meet the minimum quality standard

Please be advised that the Medicinal Cannabis webpages have been updated to provide clarification and more concise and precise information on each page. Some existing information such as licence application fees and product assessment fees have been combined into a new Application Fees page for easy reference. However there are no changes to the fees themselves. Information relating to the previous transitional arrangements that were on various pages have been removed as it is no longer relevant.

The licence application and licence renewal forms have all been updated to a June 2022 version. We have also published the licence amendment application form.

The instructions for completing an application have been updated. Additional advice has been added to each section of the forms so it is clear what is being requested or allowed. The individual and entity applicant sections have been combined into a single section to make the form easier to use. Email addresses for directors and partners are now requested to enable Ministry of Justice checks to be conducted. The application checklist has been moved to the back of the application form.

We recommend that applicants use the latest versions of the application forms.

View the changes on the Ministry of Health website.

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