Italian government says yes to cannabis decriminalization in the “Drug Addiction Report”

La Repubblica writes..

The document, drawn up by the Prime Minister, in fact follows the objectives of the text under discussion in the Chamber. Magi: “The right no longer has excuses, the law cannot embarrass the majority”

In the Annual Report on Drug Addiction, drawn up by the government and sent to Parliament, there is a term that makes the center-right turn up their noses engaged in the crusade against the text on cannabis that arrived in the Chamber and sponsored by Pd, Leu and M5S. 

The term in question is “decriminalization” and is contained on page 516 of the report. In the text, drawn up by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the need “to review the rules that provide for criminal and administrative sanctions against people who use drugs” is put in black and white. 

How? By subtracting – it says – “some illegal conduct from the criminal action” and “simultaneously revising the sanction system”. Words that follow the objectives of the bill being examined by Montecitorioand on which the government has never explicitly taken a position, leaving the question to parliamentary debate and clashes between parties.

Promote the decriminalization of cannabis

The Report sent to the Chambers incorporates the indications elaborated during the National Conference on addictions which took place in Genoa last autumn and commissioned by Minister Fabiana Dadone , head of anti-drug policies. The conclusions of the dossier sent to Parliamentthey leave no room for interpretation. In the chapter dedicated to the proposed amendments to the Italian law, there is talk of “strong urgency” in intervening on Art. 73 of the consolidated law on drugs. And to do so by promoting the decriminalization of the “cultivation of cannabis for home use”. This is the same principle that is the cornerstone of the proposal supported by the progressive front in Parliament (cultivation of up to 4 plants and reduced penalties for minor crimes) and which, together with the law on ius scholae, has undergone a acceleration after years of quagmire. The reaction of the center right was not long in coming. Brothers of Italy asked for the cancellation of the proposals, while Lega and Forza Italia accused the center-left of insisting on a law considered divisive and therefore capable of compromising the fragile balance that supports the executive of national unity. “The left puts the majority and the government in difficulty,” he saidMatteo Salvini .

Magi: “The right has no more excuses”

“In reality, the suggestions of the Report go even further than our text , providing for example the decriminalization of the sale of the small quantity when this occurs on a non-profit basis”, says Riccardo Magi , deputy of + Europe and promoter of the proposed law on cannabis. “We therefore wonder how the approval of the text can put the majority in difficulty. Indeed, given the indications sent by the government, we could even ask for an intervention by decree”. Mario Draghi, however, he does not intend to put his mouth on an issue that he deems out of the room for maneuver of the executive headed by him. A concept, the latter, reiterated during the press conference last Thursday. “On this, like other proposals of parliamentary initiative, the government has never taken a position,” he said. The fact is that while the debate on cannabis is getting underway, the document sent by the government could offer a side to the pro-decriminalization front. 

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