Oregon: Psilocybin a main topic of Deschutes County public hearing Wednesday

Central Oregon Daily

The Oregon Psilocybin Services Act, legalizing supervised psychedelic mushrooms used statewide was approved in November 2020.


It’s now a main topic for Deschutes County Commissioners this Wednesday at a public hearing. Commissioners will hear testimony and consider letting those in Deschutes County vote on prohibiting the production of these mushrooms.

They will also hear about specific establishments producing these drugs outside of the city limits of La Pine, Sisters, Redmond and Bend, but still in the county.

The hearing will start at 2:30 with a break and pick back up at 5:30 p.m.

Those advocating for the drugs point to PTSD relief in veterans through psychedelic therapy.

Deschutes County Commissioner Tony DeBone says the big questions is how the land used for making these drugs and administering them will be handled.

“Are they looking for a doctors office, a rural retreat center, is it a two hour session or an afternoon or an overnight stay,” DeBone asked. “We kind of need to know what the rest of the big picture is so you know, we can manage our land use as we see appropriate as citizens of Deschutes County.”

Local county and city governments may adopt ordinances that prohibit issuing service center and manufacturer licenses.

Ordinances must be approved by voters at the next general election. If the ordinance does not pass in the general election, the Oregon Psilocybin Services will continue to issue licenses.

The Oregon Health Authority is holding three listening sessions on the psilocybin rulemaking July 13-15.

The OHA will begin accepting applications for licenses to make and distribute these drugs on January 2, 2023.

Source:  https://centraloregondaily.com/psilocybin-a-main-topic-for-deschutes-county-commissioners-at-public-hearing/

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