Busting 4 Myths About CBD Skincare Once for All

It is no more a hush-hush matter that CBD is a therapeutic compound used by many people to treat various ailments. CBD, with some amazing properties to cure various diseases, has become a household name. People are using it in different forms, from CBD gummies, topicals, drinks, oil, and a lot more. But do you know that CBD skincare is also a thing that is going stronger than your imagination?

Yes, you heard it right! CBD is not only a product to treat disease but also has emerged as a miraculous substance for the beauty industry. Let’s admit that we all want to look beautiful – no wrinkles, fine lines, and freckles. That’s why we hear every now and then about new skincare items with a claim to give you youthful and spotless skin. And this time, CBD has squeezed its place into the beauty industry with all the rave.

Many skin care companies have started adding CBD to their products, and many more are on the way. But despite all the good things associated with CBD skin care, many myths also confuse people. So, let’s debunk these myths one by one.

All CBD Skincare Products are the Same

No, this is not true. There are different CBD extracts, and they affect your skin differently. You will leverage more benefits if you buy skincare products infused with full-spectrum CBD oil because it contains CBD and other cannabinoids, terpenes, phytonutrients, etc. These compounds enhance the working of CBD and provide more benefits.

However, if you end up buying a product infused with CBD isolate oil, it means the skincare product only contains CBD, and you might not witness skin benefits quickly. That’s why it is important to first read the ingredients of CBD products before pulling money out of the pocket because: all skincare CBD products are not the same.


CBD Ingestion is the Best Way to See Results

Nope! The key is to make CBD part of your bloodstream quickly to see an immediate impact in case of any health issue. So, tinctures and vapes are the best methods in this regard. CBD oil, gummies, and drinks take some time to show results because they go through the digestive system before becoming a part of the bloodstream. However, topical CBD is better than other methods if you want to see a positive skin impact of CBD. It does not penetrate deep into the skin but addresses skin issues like itching, redness, inflammation, dryness, etc.

CBD Skincare is a Marketing Tactic

CBD has earned many positive reviews, but many people still consider CBD skincare as a marketing tactic without any reality. Well, now dermatologists also acknowledge that CBD does help make the skin better and more beautiful. CBD indirectly reacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system, which contains CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are also found in our skin. So, it improves the performance of these receptors in our skin that helps improve skin, cure acne, redness, and itching, and also helps rejuvenate skin.

It is Illegal to Buy CBD Skincare Products

Well, that’s not true. Using CBD with less than 0.3% THC has become legal after the legalization in Farm Bill 2018. Now the FDA and all states have legalized CBD consumption for medical purposes. That’s why you can easily find CBD-related products from anywhere without hiding them. Go to the Gasoline mart, online store, or next-door drug store, and you will find your desired CBD product.


CBD skincare has many benefits. No matter whether you are already using a popular skincare product line, you may fall for CBD skincare products once you try them. But do proper research before using these products and address all your concerns. Be aware of the myths and only take guidance from informed resources so that you can make an informed decision. However, if you have sensitive skin and still feel skeptical about CBD skincare products, you can consult your dermatologist to get the best advice. Happy, beautiful skin!

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