Guam: Agencies work to iron out conflicting cannabis product laws


As the application process for cannabis businesses gets underway, officials from the Department of Public Health and Social Services and the Department of Revenue and Taxation are working to iron out inconsistencies in the law relating to cannabis-infused food products.

A sign posted on the front window of the ABC Store in Tumon advertises the availability of Hemp Bomb CBD products Aug. 26, 2022. The Department of Public Health and Social Services issued an announcement Aug. 24 that all businesses and individuals are prohibited by local and federal law to commercially store, prepare, manufacture or sell cannabis-infused foods on Guam.

On Monday, the Department of Revenue and Taxation will begin accepting applications from “responsible officials” for identification cards. Forms will be available online at and at the Compliance Branch.

The Guam Cannabis Industry Act of 2019 declassified marijuana as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance for Guam. In the years since the law was enacted, Guam has been developing regulations for cannabis-related businesses.

On Wednesday, Public Health put out an announcement saying that Guam law prohibits the sale of food products containing cannabis-derived compounds.

Late Friday, the Department of Revenue and Taxation announced the agencies are working with the Office of the Attorney General and Sen. Clynt Ridgell “on proposed legislation to amend the law to allow such food products.”

To obtain a cannabis business license:

  • File organizational documents with Rev and Tax.
  • Obtain a Cannabis Administrative Business License and apply for a Responsible Official Cannabis Identification Card.
  • Apply for a Cannabis Establishment License.
  • Apply for a permit to operate.
  • Obtain Cannabis Business License and terminate the Cannabis Administrative Business License.

The card for responsible officials must be turned in with a $1,000 application fee, payable in cash or check only at the Treasurer of Guam. Contact 671-635-1806 or visit the Compliance Branch with any questions.

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