Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) Announces It Is Looking For Experts To Form Cannabinoid Science Work Group

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB) has been working on developing policies related to the regulation of cannabinoids, and is in search of members for its first Cannabinoid Science Work Group.

Since November of 2020, the agency has collaborated with the cannabis industry, the state legislature, partner agencies and other states to better understand the science of the cannabis plant.

WSLCB finds it beneficial to assemble a group of experts who regularly communicate about the rapidly changing issues related to cannabinoids. The Cannabinoid Science Work Group (CSWG) will collaboratively and transparently explore and build the foundational understanding of the cannabis plant, in addition to synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the plant.

WSLCB anticipates that the CSWG will meet at least once every other month. Kathy Hoffman, Ph.D., will chair the CSWG along with one other member of the group. Members of CSWG may include:

  • An expert in pharmacology
  • An expert in toxicology
  • An expert with regulatory affairs experience in nutraceutical, pharmaceuticals or dietary supplements
  • An expert in organic chemistry
  • An expert in cannabis research and;
  • An expert in cannabis product testing

The applications will close on October 24 at 5 p.m., and applicants chosen for the CSWG will be notified via email in mid-November.

To apply to the CSWG, email Kathy Hoffman at [email protected]

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