Why is it difficult for a beginner to play Destiny 2


Messages like “Hello guys, I am a beginner and I’ve got completely lost” appear at minimum a few times a week in Destiny 2 forums. It’s a common situation that beginners say that the game is simply unfriendly to them, almost immediately “throwing into battle”.

Every MMO tries to solve the problem of player adaptation in some way. This is mainly presented in the form of improved tutorials or hints – World of Warcraft added an entire island as a tutorial location, in Star Wars: The Old Republic, starting locations are already full-fledged tutorial, which is supplemented with a bunch of tips.

Destiny 2 also has a kind of training – the developers from Bungie added a reworked starting chain from the first part, in which players could try out different types of weapons, go through a few simple strikes and try out the main branches of abilities. But along with this, Bungie, not even with a scalpel, but with a huge chainsaw, cut out massive pieces of content, which does not benefit Destiny 2. We consider this to be the main problem for new players.

Due to the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult for beginners, but nevertheless, they still want to play this cool game, they often turn to destiny 2 recovery service for help. However, it is worth remembering that you need to contact a reliable and respectable company so that your account will be safe.

Destiny 2 content vault

The first negative point for beginners is that a huge part of the content is deleted annually. All of this is done through the Destiny Content Vault. Many raids, planets, campaigns, and more are already buried there. After The Witch Queen was released in February, the entire Tangled Shore campaign and destination, along with our beloved Spider, was sent to the vault with the cosmetic items and gear. Yes, you can still use them if you have them, but don’t expect to be able to get them.

Bungie offered all players the Forsaken campaign without payment before it also goes to the vault. Of the benefits – the City of Dreams (the best location of the game) and the Last Wish (the best raid of the game) will remain available. Although what the campaign will look like in the absence of the first half is not very clear.

Content weight

Content storage is a solution that many people still don’t understand. Bungie justifies it with the sheer size of the game, which will only get bigger with each new expansion. Here, the game weighed 100 GB, and with the next addition, it will weigh more than 150 GB. But why do games that have much more content, locations, dungeons, and raids, like World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy 14, not interfere with this? Yes, graphically they are much weaker, textures weigh much less, as well as individual models. But there are dozens or even hundreds of times more of them in pure numbers. Why does a game in which most of the locations and opponents wander from the add-on to the add-on practically unchanged weigh so much? 

Moreover, only those players who are currently downloading the game will feel the change in the size of the game. Files with old locations, raids, and strikes will remain on your computer, but new files will appear in addition. And this, as you understand, will not reduce the size of the game on your computer at all.

Many players managed to try out all the content in the game, and not a dozen times. They had raids on Leviathan, terrible dailies on Mercury, and a great comeback on Mars. They suffered in the first weeks, trying to get the Whisper of the Worm, and then the catalyst for it memorized the map of Levik and then turned the whole raid into some wilds. But what do new players have now? Yes, they have new content, but there is no way to feel the old content.

New players have lost only a small layer of the plot and locations, but what have those who have played since the release lost? And what will new players who come to the game over time not be able to learn? Unfortunately, for people who have just started playing, it is now difficult to figure out many things. Bungie has added a timeline to help put things in perspective, but this is more of a pamphlet than a guide.


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It’s not just the Destiny content repository. Destiny 2 is a pretty bad teacher overall. If you haven’t played Destiny 2 yet, the game will feel like a test you didn’t prepare for at all. Thousands of terms for which you are not given an explanation, hundreds of unanswered questions. It feels like the developers deliberately make the game so incomprehensible that your only option is a knowledgeable friend. That is one of the reasons why players order help in boosting services – with their assistance game becomes a really enjoyable activity.

Over the past year, Destiny 2 has had a lot of new players who are still hitting the walls trying to figure this game out if they want to understand the plot and its events.

If earlier you could understand the whole meaning of additions or the logic of characters only with the help of a huge drawing board and several tens of hours of reasoning and curses towards a global conspiracy, now it’s very difficult.

In conclusion

Destiny 2 is one of the best multiplayer games out there right now. It was also nominated for Best Community Support. But it becomes more and more complicated for new players with each new addition.

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