Industrial hemp cultivation park established in Ukraine

An industrial hemp cultivation cluster was founded on 13 February 2023 in Zhytomyr Oblast of Ukraine, Mykhailo Tereshchenko, ex-mayor of Hlukhiv and owner of the health food brand “Desnaland,” told. He emphasized that this initiative will allow reviving of the tradition of textile hemp in Zhytomyr and Europe and will create an alternative to supplies from China.

“MA’RIJANNI HEMP INDUSTRIAL PARK  is about transforming the old flax factory in the village of Ryzhany into a modern cluster for the cultivation and processing of technical hemp. This project will contribute to the reconstruction and European integration of Ukraine, and will create an alternative to supply from China,” Tereshchenko explained.


“An industrial park will be created around the defibrillation plant for all Ukrainian entrepreneurs who want to come and work on hemp products on site, being sure of a good supply of the main raw materials. Small and large companies in the fields of textiles, packaging and biodegradable towels, quality paper, insulation and construction materials, non-woven mattresses, agro-fibre or biomass pellets are expected and welcomed.”

The relevant decision was made at a meeting of the head of the Zhytomyr Oblast Military Administration.

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