Australia: Cocaine dealer who took bikini pics with drugs jailed

After selling cocaine to fuel her $1000-a-day drug habit and photographing her criminal activity, a Sydney woman has been urged to study so she can help addicts upon release from prison.

Alexandra Moss, 28, was jailed for a maximum of four years and four months after dealing illicit drugs out of her one-bedroom rented unit in Rose Bay in March and April 2021.

She was sentenced at Downing Centre District Court on Friday after pleading guilty to one count of supplying a large commercial quantity of a prohibited drug, namely 25 litres of gamma-butyrolactone, or GBL.

She also pleaded guilty to one count of supplying cocaine and asked the court to take four other offences into account.

They included three drug-related offences for possess and supply and one count of dealing with $1200 in the proceeds of crime, which she had to forfeit to the state.

Judge John Pickering imposed a non-parole period of 23 months, backdated to January 2023.

Her full sentence will expire in May 2027.

Judge Pickering allowed a discount for her early guilty pleas and took into account progress she had made in drug rehabilitation while out on bail.


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