Ananda Professional Adds More Australian Certifications

Hemp cannabinoid company Ananda Professional has received further certifications from Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Established in 2018, Ananda Professional is owned and operated by Australia’s EcoFibre. It’s a fully vertically integrated company operating from a 50,000 square feet LEED Platinum facility in the USA. The firm maintains complete control over the cultivation, extraction, and manufacturing of all cannabis goods that are primarily CBD based; but which also contain other cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients not found in CBD isolate.

The TGA is Australia’s authoritative body for regulating therapeutic goods in the country, and gaining certification is no mean feat given the high standards involved. Ananda states its latest certifications from the TGA encompass Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacture and full product medicine manufacture for cannabis oil.

“This certification signifies a milestone in Ananda Professional’s ongoing efforts to raise the bar for quality in this rapidly evolving industry,” said Alex Nance, President of Ananda Professional. “With both TGA and SGS certifications, our customers can be confident they are receiving the quality and patient outcomes they associate with Ananda Professional.”

Ananda says this new endorsement empowers Ananda Professional to fulfil its mission of delivering high-quality cannabis products to healthcare practitioners in the United States and Australia. In the USA, CBD is generally easier to access than in Australia and Ananda appears to have made solid inroads over there; with its products in thousands of pharmacies.

As well as Ananda Professional, other business in Ecofibre’s stable include:

  • Ananda Food – manufacturers hemp food products in Australia including oil, seed and proteins. Claims to have the world’s largest collections of hemp seed genetics.
  • Ananda Hemp – the company that provides Australians with medicinal cannabis products as part of the SAS-B program, and which are manufactured at its US facility.
  • Hemp Black-  focused on textiles and bioplastics

Parent company Ecofibre was listed on the ASX in 2019. A high-profile member of the Ecofibre executive was businessman and philanthropist Barry Lambert. Mr. Lambert’s interest in medicinal cannabis was fueled by his search for a treatment for his granddaughter’s epileptic condition.


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