Australian Greens MP Says In Press Release: We need new approaches to the cocaine problem, including legalisation


2 Aug 2023


We need new approaches to the cocaine problem, including legalisation

Greens MP and Drug Law Reform and Harm Reduction spokesperson Cate Faehrmann is calling for all options to be on the table in a bid to end the drug war, including taxing and regulating cocaine.


Read her Sydney Morning Herald opinion piece here.


This follows 5 deaths in Sydney in the last week alone believed to be linked to drug supply and therefore a result of the failed War on Drugs.

“Despite mounting evidence of its abject failure, the pointless war on drugs cycle continues. Nothing from the NSW Government, from police bureaucrats or from most of the media is any different to what’s been said or attempted in recent decades,” said Cate Faehrmann.

“We’ve even had senior police admitting their operations could be partly to blame for recent gang-related violence in that drug busts which do not result in arrests can lead to criminals seeking retribution. 

“We’ve also had a police source told the media last week that the gangsters will be on Centrelink in six months if you legalised drugs. Seriously, when we have police even suggesting that we need a new approach then surely we need to have that discussion,” said Cate Faehrmann.

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