Editorial: Legalizing marijuana could add $36M in tax revenue

Thirty-six million dollars could pay for 450 teachers in Wisconsin.

It could fix more than 700,000 potholes.

Or it could help 12,000 struggling families stay in their apartments or homes, avoiding eviction.

And that’s just the potential impact of the $36 million in tax revenue Wisconsin could collect every year from its residents now buying cannabis in Illinois. If marijuana were legalized here — as it has been in some form in every state surrounding Wisconsin — the tax collections would easily top $100 million, according to the state Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Minnesota, for example, which legalized recreational marijuana Aug. 1, expects to receive $110 million in annual tax revenue by 2027. That’s enough money to employ and train some 5,000 young people in the Wisconsin Conservation Corps, building trails, managing wildlife habitats and completing carpentry projects.

More important than tax receipts, legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin would recognize reality: Cannabis has gone mainstream. Most Americans now live in states where it is legal, and it hasn’t caused lots of problems.

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Editorial: Legalizing marijuana could add $36M in tax revenue

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