Galapagos Islands now Cocaine Trade’s New Target

Too depressing for words..


The tranquil Galapagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage site and a sanctuary for unique wildlife, are now caught in the crossfire of an escalating cocaine trade that is fuelling violence in mainland Ecuador.

The unassuming Isabela Island airport, devoid of substantial security measures, recently played host to an unannounced landing of a Cessna Conquest II plane – a chilling incident suspected to be the handiwork of drug traffickers who absconded, leaving behind fuel containers.

Galapagos: A Covert Refueling Depot?

This intriguing episode underscores a darker threat that has crept into the Galapagos: the islands are increasingly being exploited by international drug organizations as a covert refuelling station. Cocaine is being transported from the heartlands of South America to the consumer markets of the United States and Europe, and the Galapagos Islands have emerged as a pivotal waypoint in this illicit journey.

Ecuador’s Battle With Cocaine Trade

Strategically sandwiched between Colombia and Peru, the world’s largest cocaine producers, Ecuador has witnessed a harrowing surge in gang violence and drug trafficking activity. This prompted President Daniel Noboa to declare an internal armed conflict, a move that signals the gravity of the crisis. The government has retaliated by ramping up military patrols and seizing record amounts of cocaine. Yet, the traffickers have proved elusive, adapting their strategies by using more remote routes and co-opting local fishermen into their illicit operations as fuel smugglers.

The Cocaine Trade’s Impact on Galapagos

The Ecuadorian navy has reported an alarming increase in cocaine seizures around the Galapagos in recent months. Weapons have also been found, indicating that the islands are being exploited not just for drug trafficking, but also for transporting arms to Ecuadorian gangs. This criminal infiltration into the Galapagos is a stark reminder of the challenges Ecuador faces in monitoring its expansive maritime territory, with limited resources and minimal U.S. support since the departure of U.S. forces in 2009.

The situation is further complicated by the arrest of top security officials and judges for alleged criminal activity linked to the drug trade. As the natural wonder of the Galapagos grapples with the unsettling intrusion of the cocaine trade, the need for effective countermeasures becomes increasingly urgent, to protect not just Ecuador’s heritage, but also its national security.

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Ecuador’s scenic Galapagos Islands now Cocaine Trade’s New Target


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