Meanwhile In Germany …. SPD domestic politicians announce no to cannabis legalization

Der Speigel reports that there are more than a few disenters although probably not enough to stope the current watered down legislation getting through.

Also is there some with a sense of humour in the bundestag who decided April the first was the best date to set for the vote?


The leaders of the traffic light factions have agreed on a draft for cannabis legalization. Two coalition MPs are announcing resistance – and may have even more supporters.

Cannabis legalization is one of the traffic light’s prestige socio-political projects. There had been discord within the coalition for months , but now the deputy leaders of the government factions have announced an agreement . But this is obviously not acceptable for all MPs. “I will vote no,” says SPD MP and domestic politician Sebastian Fiedler.

“I cannot agree to a law that leads to the decriminalization of dealers and pointless extra work for the police,” Fiedler told SPIEGEL. Organized crime is laughing up its sleeve. »My professional ethics as a criminal investigator do not allow me to adopt any other attitude.«

Fiedler emphasized that he was not generally against legalization. “I would have really liked to see decriminalization of users of all substances – without these negative side effects.” His announced rejection comes as no surprise. Fiedler had already expressed sharp criticism of the project last autumn . Since then, from his point of view, nothing has obviously been done to change his attitude.

The domestic policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, Sebastian Hartmann, also announced that he would not agree to the reform in the Bundestag: “The concerns that I had and that led to the delay in the law have still not been resolved,” he told “Zeit on-line”. Therefore, he could not agree to the project. “The coalition agreement originally provided for the controlled distribution of cannabis in certified shops, but the current law shifts this distribution into the private sector and thus into uncontrollability.”


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