Article: Wyoming ban on delta-8, similar hemp products nears finish line

Senate File 32 only has a few votes left on the House floor before reaching the governor’s desk. Businesses that sell delta-8 products say the ban would likely force them to close.

Wyoming could soon ban a popular marijuana-like substance, possibly leaving residents to order it online.

Delta-8 THC, sometimes referred to as “diet weed,” has become a popular product across Wyoming over the last few years, with shops opening in many communities. Still made from the cannabis plant, this substance can be extracted and mixed into gummies, vape cartridges or smokable flowers.

However, after reports of teens going to the emergency room in Cody, lawmakers discussed banning delta-8 and its derivatives, citing concerns over its safety.

After months of discussions, Senate File 32 – Hemp-limitations on psychoactive substances is now nearing the finish line to do just that.

Learn the background to the bill

Wyoming ban on delta-8, similar hemp products nears finish line

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