7 Tips for Hiring a Lawyer for Cannabis and Criminal Cases


Finding yourself in a situation where you could be criminally charged is a terrifying situation for anyone, especially if you are innocent and have been caught up in something that you didn’t mean to be. The first thing you should do when you end up out of your depth in legal issues is to contact a lawyer. Finding a lawyer for a criminal case can be a daunting task as you are putting your future in their hands. As you start the process of researching and choosing the right lawyer for you, follow these seven tips to find a capable and trustworthy lawyer for cannabis and criminal cases. 

Special Expertise

If you are hiring a lawyer to defend you in a cannabis case, then make sure to narrow down your search to attorneys who specialize in those kinds of cases. The same goes for any kind of criminal case. You don’t want a lawyer who specializes in divorce or environmental law to defend you in a criminal case, you want an experienced defense attorney. A lawyer who specializes in cannabis law will have extensive knowledge of local laws and new regulations and can build a good defense based on this knowledge.      

Past Experience

Having a long list of successful cases under their belt is a great sign for a criminal defense lawyer. You want to pick an attorney who is well-versed in local court proceedings and has a good reputation in the community for helping those who are wrongfully accused. If you find a Detroit criminal lawyer who has been in the game for many years and has worked on all kinds of cases that are similar to yours, then they should definitely be on your list to defend you. In any given city, there will be many defense attorneys who have a lot of past experience, but it is up to you to do further research on their court cases and their reputation in the courtroom to determine if they are a good fit for your case. 

Read Client Reviews

One of the best ways to gauge whether or not an attorney is a good fit for your case is to do some research and read reviews of past clients. Look for clients who had similar charges and whether the lawyer got them dropped or significantly reduced. If there are many positive reviews about the results of trials, then this is a good sign. You can also ask people in your life if they have been in similar situations and get referrals for good lawyers that way. If people say that a lawyer personally got them a good outcome, then you have proof that they are capable and serious about every case they take on.

Good Communication

Being in the know about your own case is good for peace of mind and making sure that your voice is being heard. When choosing a lawyer, it is important to determine whether or not the lawyers you are talking to are good communicators. This means they should ask you a lot of questions to get your perspective on the case and build your witness statement. They should also offer to have meetings with you whenever you have questions so that you are an integral part of the defense process. It is important to feel like you are an active participant in a case that will determine your future. 

Good communication also means that your lawyer is always available by phone and actively updates you on what is going on. You should also feel like you can ask them any questions without feeling like you are intruding. Building a good rapport with a lawyer and keeping the lines of communication throughout the process will result in a better overall experience.


Tailored Approach

Finding a lawyer who is willing to dive deep into your case and make a tailored strategy to help get you a minimal sentence is much better than finding one who just sees you as another case. Effective defense attorneys see their clients as people with lives and work to build a case that is specific to their client’s charges. Your lawyer should be able to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of your case to build a strategy that can get you the minimum sentence. 

By using a tailored approach, your lawyer can work with your friends and family to build a character defense and show that this charge was not warranted or was out of character for you. To use this kind of strategy, a good defense lawyer will take the time to get to know you as they build your case, making it easier to humanize you in a court setting.


Depending on the attorney, many law firms work under the policy that they don’t get paid until the case is won. In defense cases, though, this may be a bit different because the person they are defending has charges against them. If you get charged and you have to find a lawyer fast to get started working on your case, then you will likely have an initial upfront cost and then you may have to pay the rest at the end of the criminal trial.

Before you start searching for lawyers, set a budget for yourself and search within that budget. If you have a minor charge, you will not need a fancy lawyer, just one who will care about your case and help you through it.   

Trust Your Gut

As you are shopping for attorneys, remember that sometimes all you need to do is meet them face to face to know if they are a good fit for you. When you have narrowed down your list to just a handful of potential lawyers, ask for an initial consultation to get to know each of them. If your gut tells you that one is better than the rest, then go with them.



During stressful life events like being charged with a cannabis or criminal offense, having a good lawyer by your side can alleviate a lot of the stress. Follow these tips to get the best result possible out of your criminal case.

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