Cannabiz Report – Researchers find little evidence of next-day impairment among insomnia patients treated with THC/CBD oil

Interesting report from Cannabiz illustrating what is already common knowledge globally by ressearchers.

We presume even an Australian study with published results like this won’t stop the Victorian Government wasting $AUS5 Million with Swinburne!

Australian researchers have found insomnia patients using medicinal cannabis containing THC experience little or no next-day impairment in findings which could have a significant impact on the debate around drug-driving reform.

The team, including representatives from the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research and the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics, studied 20 adults with insomnia to determine next-day impairment following evening administration of a typical medicinal cannabis oil compared to a placebo. 

Read the full report

Researchers find little evidence of next-day impairment among insomnia patients treated with THC/CBD oil

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