UN’s International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) Warns On Regulated Recreational Cannabis & International Treaties

Marijuana Moment report……“Governments and jurisdictions in North America have continued to pursue policies with respect to the legalization of the use of cannabis for non-medical purposes, in violation of the 1961 Convention as amended,” the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) wrote in its annual report published last week.

Specifically, INCB said that a proposed marijuana legalization law that is moving through Canada’s Parliament is in “contravention” of the international agreements.

“The Board notes with concern that in Canada, draft legislation intended to authorize and regulate the nonmedical consumption of cannabis was introduced in the House of Commons in April 2017,” the report says. “As the Board has stated repeatedly, if passed into law, provisions of Bill C-45, which permit non-medical and non-scientific use of cannabis would be incompatible with the obligations assumed by Canada under the 1961 Convention as amended.”

The UN body also criticized state cannabis legalization policies in the U.S.

“The situation pertaining to cannabis cultivation and trafficking in North America continues to be in flux owing to the widening scope of personal non-medical use schemes in force in certain constituent states of the United States,” it said. “The decriminalization of cannabis has apparently led organized criminal groups to focus on manufacturing and trafficking other illegal drugs, such as heroin.”

Source: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/dont-legalize-marijuana-un-drug-enforcement-board-warns-countries/?utm_source=New+Frontier+Newsletter&utm_campaign=9812165393-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_02_14&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e61e943a42-9812165393-116795689&mc_cid=9812165393&mc_eid=178dec0b63

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