Tabloid Corner: The UK Press Love The Fact That Meghan Markle’s “Nephew” Grows Cannabis

Sorry but we couldn’t  resist this one. From the newspaper that Wikipedia no longer uses as a source.. so who knows it could all be conjecture.

But, with the royal wedding on the way who could resist the wonderful UK tabloid punning.

The nephew connection is somewhat spurious, but why let that get in the way of a good story! Tyler and TJ are the sons of Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. Tracy is Thomas’s former wife.

Here’s the story

It is just a few weeks away now and the Markle family must be bursting with excitement as Meghan’s marriage to Prince Harry approaches.

But the arrangements are not the first thing on the mind of Meghan’s nephew Tyler Dooley – he’s more focused on the millions of dollars’ worth of marijuana he is helping to grow.

The 25-year-old boasts of his pride at being a ‘pioneer’ in an industry that is now legal in the United States.

Dooley is a fervent advocate for its benefits, saying: ‘We are passionate about marijuana and all the good things it brings.’

But he is not completely ignoring his aunt’s big day. In his zeal to spread the word, he is planning to develop a potent new hybrid strain of cannabis to mark the wedding, called Markle’s Sparkle. And should Prince Harry and his bride ever visit Tyler at his home in Grant’s Pass, Oregon, he will be ‘more than happy’ to offer them a sample.

Tyler is not the only member of his family involved with marijuana. His brother TJ, 26 – another of Meghan’s nephews – gives it to his dog for pain relief. Their mother Tracy, 52, has a job selling advertising, and many of her clients are marijuana dispensaries.

Tyler and TJ are the sons of Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. Tracy is Thomas’s former wife.

Tyler says he smoked his first joint at high school but no longer uses cannabis. Recreational marijuana was made legal in Oregon in 2015, since when Tyler has become ‘fully immersed’ in the booming business, from brokering land for growers (for which he takes a hefty commission) to advising growers on the type and strain of plants to grow, to working out complex watering and lighting systems.

He has even built some of the ‘grow facilities’ that now dot the lush Oregon landscape.

Tyler took The Mail on Sunday to a pot farm called the Southern Oregon Cannabis Connection, run by his best friend and business partner Fred Tamayo, 49. The three-acre growing facility comes complete with a 6,000 square foot warehouse as well as two retail stores, and employs 25 people.

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