Media Report Says Over 270 Licensed Dispensaries Could Open In Washington DC In 2025

Good timing for democrats still in the capital who’ll need lots of stress relief!

Outlaw report says..

The Outlaw Report closely followed every ABC Board meeting and analyzed the public documents associated with the meetings to paint a picture of how many dispensaries could potentially open in the next year. Retail licenses that are conditionally awarded, meaning the application does not have a location, have just 12 months to formally apply and standard applications have less than half a year to open after approval. This means that all of the licenses publicly considered by ABCA last year will likely have to open in the next 12 months.

Our analysis found that 276 businesses are at some point in the process of being approved or opening. There are currently only 11 medical dispensaries operating in The District, four of these are new licensees that were formerly unlicensed operators doing business in the D.C. “I-71 gifting” market.

Read their full report at 

Over 270 medical cannabis dispensaries could open in D.C. in the next year

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