London, The Metropolitan Police has unveiled a new charter for stop and search,

The Metropolitan Police has unveiled a new charter for stop and search, including more oversight of how the “contentious” tactic is used and improved handling of complaints.

Stop and Search Charter


Sky News

The force said it had been developed with the help of more than 8,500 Londoners of all ages and ethnicities.

Stop and search allows officers to detain a person who’s not under arrest if they have reasonable grounds to think an “unlawful item”, such as a weapon or drugs, is being carried.

It’s controversial as people from ethnic minorities, especially young black men, say they are targeted disproportionately.

Stop and search has been described by some as a “rite of passage” for black boys – one that can leave them feeling embarrassed and humiliated.

Campaigners cite it as a key reason why some people have low trust in the police.

However, the Met said the tactic is successful and had saved lives by leading to the seizure of 17,500 weapons in the last four years, including at least 3,500 in 2024.

Up to 68% of Londoners, including young people, are said to support its use.

But the force admits support varies according to who’s asked and that many black Londoners say it creates tensions with the police.

Met chief Sir Mark Rowley said it can “burn through trust” when done badly, but that many officers already used it respectfully and with empathy.

The commissioner said he hoped the new charter would “help to build trust in a policing tactic that, so often, has been at the root of mistrust”.

It’s been introduced following the recommendation of Baroness Casey in her damning 2023 review of the Met.

Events were held across London to get views on what it should include, with themes that emerged tested in surveys of 8,500 people.

The Met said the charter would help ensure searches are done professionally and respectfully.

It includes:

• Improved training so police better understand communities they serve. Communication skills will also be developed to ensure officers show empathy and are confident in de-escalation during searches.
• A “more robust supervision process” with regular and random reviews of how stop and search is operating.
• Better handling of complaints, making the process more accessible and involving the community with decision making to prevent internal bias.
• A pledge to work with communities to “reduce fear and show that [stop and search] is being used fairly and without prejudice”.

Sir Mark added: “If we are to take the fight to those intent on causing serious violence, fear and intimidation across London then stop and search must form part of that effort.

“If we allow its contentious nature and the concerns associated with it to force us into doing less of it, then only the criminals win.

“This charter is particularly powerful because it has been written with communities.

“We’re immensely grateful to all who stepped forward to work with us. We are committed to this change and to further rebuilding trust by continuing the conversations that have made it possible so far.”


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