Paper – Thailand: Emergence of Cannabis Commercialization: Tourists’ Perceptions Toward Destinations and Future Revisit Intention

Once again a big thankyou to Lex Pelger


Patthawee Insuwanno Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand

Given the rise of cannabis commercialization, understanding its impact on tourists’ revisit intentions is crucial. This study, grounded in the Theory of Planned Behavior and incorporating variables like perceived attractiveness and risk, focuses on Phuket, Thailand. Analyzing data from 385 respondents using R (Lavaan) and Structural Equation Modeling, the results indicate that perceived attractiveness (β = 0.225) and subjective norms (β = −0.191) significantly influence revisit intentions. These findings provide insights for destination managers, emphasizing the need to address perceptions and implement effective marketing strategies to leverage cannabis tourism sustainably. To enhance cannabis tourism appeal, managers should offer educational tours about cultivation, wellness retreats with cannabis-infused treatments, and events celebrating cannabis culture. Furthermore, it is vital to communicate functional values, such as health benefits, through various channels, including traditional media like television and online platforms such as YouTube, to accurately inform and educate tourists about the benefits and proper usage of cannabis products.

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