Drink- and Drug-Drive Case Notes 4th ed – Forthcoming Book

Drink- and Drug-Drive Case Notes 4th ed


ISBN13: 9780854903092
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780854901685
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £125.00

“this book is extremely useful when defending or prosecuting cases involving drink or drug driving.” Law Society Gazette (from review of 3rd edition).


Drink- and Drug- Drive Case Notes comprises summaries of the many cases on the drink- and drug- driving offences which have come before the higher courts. Over 600 judgments are summarised. Each note is presented as a headnote summarising the ratio of the case, a short statement of the facts, the issue(s) in the appeal and an extract from the judgment. The notes are intended to provide a broad outline of the trends in the case law and as starting points for readers seeking guidance on particular points.

The work is divided into chapters which follow, broadly, the stages in an investigation: the requirement to provide specimens of breath, blood or urine; the offence of failing without reasonable excuse to cooperate or to provide specimens; challenges to the breath testing and breath analysis devices; the “statutory assumption” that the proportion of alcohol or a drug at the time of the offence was not less than in the specimen; evidence, including issues such as the admissibility of the printout from the breath analysis device and of the contemporaneous records of the procedure completed by the investigating officer; the discretion under PACE to admit or exclude evidence; definitions, notably of “public place”; defences, including no likelihood of driving while over the limit; special reasons for not disqualifying; and a host of procedural issues, featuring the courts’ insistence on compliance with the Criminal Procedure Rules.

This fourth edition includes notes of over fifty cases decided since the third edition was published. Themes running through the new cases include the availability of judicial review as a means of challenge, case management, the appropriateness of adjournments and preparedness for trial. Longer-standing issues have also been re-visited: the disclosure of records, consulting the forms completed during the investigation to refresh memory at trial, the discretion to admit or exclude evidence and burdens of proof.




Criminal LawRoad Traffic LawWildy, Simmonds and Hill
Table of Cases
Table of Legislation
1. The Arrest
R v Fox, Fox v Chief Constable of Gwent; Gull v Scarborough; Hartland v Alden; DPP v Kay (John); DPP v Porter (Paul Nicholas); DPP v Robertson (Steven Gary); DPP v Wilson; R (CPS) v Wolverhampton Magistrates’ Court; Kohler v DPP
2. Random Stopping of Vehicles
Chief Constable of Gwent v Dash; DPP v Minton
3. Reasonable Suspicion and Reasonable Belief
Johnson v Whitehouse; Blake v Pope; DPP v Redling; DPP v McGladrigan; Whelehan v DPP; Grant v DPP
4. Trespass
Morris v Beardmore; Clarke v DPP
5. In the Course of an Investigation
Graham v Albert; Pearson v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis; Hawes v DPP; R v South Norfolk JJ ex p Keymer; DPP v Earnshaw (Neil Graham)
6. Medical Reasons why Breath Specimens cannot be Provided or should not be Required
Horrocks v Binns; White & Gaskell v Proudlock; Dempsey v Catton; Davis (Paul) v DPP; Davies (Gordon Edward) v DPP; Webb v DPP; Young (Paula) v DPP; Francis v DPP; Steadman v DPP; Bodhaniya v CPS
7. Breath Analysis Device Unreliable, Unavailable, or not Practicable to Use
Cotter v Kamil; Slender v Boothby; Morgan v Lee; Waite v Smith; Dye v Manns; Thompson v Thynne; Oxford v Baxendale; Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset v Kelliher; Chief Constable of Kent v Berry; Haghigat-Khou v Chambers; Stokes v Sayers; Tobi v Nicholas; Badkin v DPP; Denny v DPP; Dixon v Yardley; Wootton v DPP; Rathbone v DPP; Jarvis v DPP; Hague v DPP; Evans (Cyril) v DPP; Slasor v DPP; Bobin v DPP; Kneale v DPP; Kelsey v DPP
8. Device Having Produced Unreliable Indication
DPP v Smith (Robert James); Hussain v DPP; McNeil v DPP; Taylor v DPP; DPP v Vince; Kang v DPP
9. Driver’s Condition Due to Some Drug
Cole v DPP; Bell v DPP; Angel v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire; Watling v Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary and G4S Health Service (UK) Ltd; Twigg v R
10. The Procedure
DPP v Carey; Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset v Singh; Murray v DPP; DPP v Warren; DPP v Garrett; DPP v Palmer (Carlton Lloyd); DPP v Ward (Andrew Stuart); DPP v Jackson; Stanley v DPP; Maudling v DPP; Clayton v DPP; Burke v DPP; Cawley (Stephen) v DPP; Beatrice v DPP; DPP v Coulter; R v Bryan; R (Cox) v DPP; Bielecki v DPP
11. Medical Reasons why a Blood Specimen cannot or should not be Taken
Grix v Chief Constable of Kent; Wade v DPP; DPP v Wythe; DPP v Gibbons (Stuart Michael); Kinsella v DPP; Joseph v DPP
12. Hospital Patients
Askew v DPP; Whelan v DPP; R v Burton upon Trent JJ ex p Woolley; Webber v DPP; Butler (Michael Joseph) v DPP; Whitfield v DPP; Townson v DPP; DPP v Tandey
13. Repeat Requirements and Multiple Specimens
Blake v Bickmore; Sparrow v Bradley; Howard v Hallett; Owen v Morgan; Chief Constable of Avon & Somerset v Creech; Nugent v Ridley; Durdan v Chief Officer, Metropolitan Police; Morrison (Trevor) v DPP; Stewart (John Kimball) v DPP; Edmond v DPP
14. Urine Specimens
Wyllie v CPS; Barnes v Chief Constable of Durham; DPP v Taylor (Graham)
1. Taking Specimens: Blood
Russell v Devine; Afolayan v CPS
2. Taking Specimens: Urine
Ross v Hodges; R v Coward; Prosser v Dickeson; Over v Musker; DPP v Baldwin (Alistair); Ryder v CPS
3. Dividing the Specimen and Supplying Part
Perry v McGovern; Dear v DPP; Butler v DPP; DPP v Elstob; DPP v Snook; Johnson (Antony Harold) v DPP; Mokhra v DPP; DPP v Higgins (Adam Scott); Campbell v DPP; Jones (Elaine) v CPS; O’Connell v DPP; Lidington v DPP; Blyth v CPS (Essex)
4. Analysis Techniques and Procedures
R v Coomaraswamy; Lomas v Bowler; Sophocleous v Ringer; Stephenson v Clift; Yhnell v DPP; R v Bolton Magistrates’ Court ex p Scally and Other Cases; Gregory v DPP; Byrne (Simon David) v DPP; Dhaliwal v DPP; Carter v DPP; R v Bravender; R v Ward (Anderson Charles); R v Senior
5. The Analyst
Stevens v DPP; CPS v Sedgemoor Justices
6. The 6 mg Allowance
Walker v Hodgins; Oswald v DPP; DPP v Perkins; DPP v Welsh (Eric Thomas)
7. Back-Calculations
Gumbley v Cunningham; Benham v DPP; R v Hodnitt
8. Certificates
Anderton v Kinnard; Penman v Parker; Hawkins v DPP; Ramsey (Jennifer) v DPP; Louis v DPP; Whyte v DPP; Wooldridge v DPP; Jeffreys v Director of Public Prosecutions; DPP v Stephens; Brett v DPP; Clarke v CPS
9. The Provenance of the Specimen
Tremlett v Fawcett; Gregson v DPP; McGinty v DPP; Rawal (Sushil) v DPP; Mills v DPP
1. The Meaning of “Failing”
Smith v Hand; Campbell v DPP; DPP v Shuker; Smyth v DPP; Hingley-Smith v DPP; DPP v Lawrence (Scott James); May v DPP; DPP v Swan; Plackett v DPP
2. The Sufficiency of the Specimen
Teape v Godfrey; Anderton v Waring; DPP v Heywood; Chand v DPP; DPP v Chand; DPP v Darwen; Rweikiza v DPP
3. Single Specimen Provided
Stepniewski v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis; Oldfield v Anderton; Sykes v DPP; DPP v Byrne (David Stephen); DPP v Thomas (Elwyn Kenneth); DPP v Radford
4. Time for Providing Specime n
Cosgrove v DPP; Walters (Julian) v DPP; Oberoi (Yash) v DPP; Robertson (Eric) v DPP
5. Whether Requirement Made under Section 6 or Section 7
DPP v Karamouzis
6. Causing Death by Careless Driving Having Failed to Provide
R v Coe (Christopher Steven)
1. The Burden of Proof
Neale v DPP; DPP v Crofton; McKeon v DPP; Piggott v DPP; R (Cuns) v Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court
2. Conditional Agreement
DPP v Billington; Chappell v DPP; DPP v Rumble; Corywright v East; DPP v Whalley; DPP v Kirk; DPP v Smith (Alan Robert)
3. Medical Reasons
R v Lennard; R v Harding; Woolman v Lenton; DPP v Boden; DPP v Judge; DPP v Daley; DPP v Curtis; DPP v Szarzynski; DPP v Hammond; DPP v Furby; Falzarano v DPP; DPP v Lonsdale; McMahon v CPS; Martiner v DPP; DPP v Mukandiwa; Pattison v DPP; Oladimeji v DPP; Longstaff v DPP; Atkinson v DPP
4. “Trying Hard”
Grady v Pollard; DPP v Eddowes; DPP v Ambrose
5. Other Reasonable Excuse Arguments
R v John; Beck v Sager; McGrath v Vipas; Dawes v Taylor; Spalding v Paine; Foster v Bentley; Ke’mp v Chief Constable of Kent; DPP v Fountain; Smith (Nicholas Paul) v DPP; Dickinson v DPP; DPP v Beech DPP v Pearman; De Freitas v DPP; DPP v Brodzky; DPP v Coyle; DPP v Meller; DPP v Grundy; DPP v Camp
1. Type Approval
Bentley v Northumbria Police; Hayward v Eames; Kirkpatrick v Harrigan; Chief Constable of Northumbria v Browne; Young v Flint; Richardson v DPP; Kemsley v DPP; Skinner v DPP; Breckon v DPP; Rose v DPP; Coxon v Manchester City Magistrates’ Court
2. The Amount Said to Have Been Consumed
Cracknell v Willis; DPP v Hill; Lafferty v DPP; DPP v Spurrier; Williams (John Robert) v DPP; Santos v Stratford Magistrates Court; CPS v Cipriani; R (Hassani) v West London Magistrates’ Court
3. Calibration
R v Kingston upon Thames JJ ex p Khanna; R v Ealing JJ ex p Wheeler; Mayon v DPP; DPP v Parkin; DPP v Deveney; Prince v CPS; DPP v Schon; Dunwoodie v DPP; Derham v DPP; Melia v DPP; Gibson v DPP; Mercer v DPP; Haggis v DPP
4. The Date and Time
Fawcett v Gasparics; Parker v DPP; DPP v McKeown, DPP v Jones (Christopher); DPP v Bateson
5. Mobile Telephones and Radios
Scheiner v DPP
6. Mouth Alcoho l
DPP v Browne; DPP v Teixeira; O’Sullivan v DPP
7. Positive Breath Analysis followed by Negative Screening Test
Snelson v Thompson; Parish v CPS
8. The Printout
Burditt v Roberts; Reid (Sheena) v DPP; DPP v Barber (David Anthony)
9. The Burden of Proof
O’Sullivan (Sarah) v DPP; Ali v DPP
1. The Statutory Assumption
Beauchamp-Thompson v DPP; DPP v Williams; Millard v DPP; Parker (Lee Christopher) v DPP; Griffiths (Richard Stephen) v DPP
2. Consuming Alcohol after Ceasing to Drive
Thynne v Hindle; R v Newcastle upon Tyne JJ ex p Hindle; Dawson v Lunn; Lloyd v Knight; Rynsard v Spalding; Oxford v Fairhurst; DPP v Singh; DPP v Lowden; R v Wells Street JJ ex p Hobbs; DPP v Sangha; DPP v Ward (Kevin William); R v Drummond; Lonergan v DPP; DPP v Chambers; DPP v Ellery; DPP v Tooze; DPP v Bolton; DPP v Dukolli; Goldsmith v DPP; DPP v Ridings
1. The Printout
Gaimster v Marlow; Chief Constable of Surrey v Wickens; Walton v Rimmer; R v Tower Bridge Magistrates’ Court ex p DPP; Hasler v DPP; Leeson v Haringey JJ and DPP; McCormack v DPP; Jubb v DPP; Hawke v DPP; R (Olajide) v Stratford Magistrates’ Court;
2. Admissibility of a Reading from a Preliminary Breath Test
Smith (Stephen John Henry) v DPP;
3. The Record of the Procedure
R v Pydar JJ ex p Foster; Williams v DPP
4. The Discretion to Admit or Exclude Evidence: Unfairness
DPP v Godwin; Hudson v DPP; Daniels v DPP; Brown (Kevin Mark) v DPP; Worsley v DPP; DPP v MacPhail; Prouse v DPP; Ortega v DPP; Porceddu v DPP; Harper v DPP; Davis (Karl) v DPP; DPP v Davies; R (DPP) v Evans (Brychan Gethin John); DPP v Preston; Watson v DPP; DPP v Kennedy; R (Forde) v DPP; DPP v Carless; R (Marsh (Ian)) v DPP; Charles v DPP; Moore v Preston Crown Court; Stanesby v DPP; R v Ashworth; Miller v DPP
5. Legal Advice
Campbell v DPP; Kennedy v CPS; Myles v DPP; Kirkup v DPP; Whitley v DPP; CPS v Rice; Causey v DPP; Gearing v DPP; Cowper v DPP; CPS v Chalupa; Ambrose v Harris; HM Advocate v M; HM Advocate v G; Thomas (William Morgan) v DPP
6. Hearsay
Watson v DPP
7. Bad Faith
Matto v Wolverhampton Crown Court; Thomas (Frank George) v DPP; DPP v Wilson; Ogden v DPP; Sharpe v DPP; R v Dolgellau JJ ex p Cartledge; R v Penrith JJ ex p Marks; Braham v DPP; DPP v Corthine
8. Oral Evidence
Culleton v Palmer; Owen v Chesters; Chief Constable of Kent v Ellis; Mace v Dean; Will v DPP; Thom v DPP; Greenaway v DPP; Van Flute v DPP; Perkins v DPP; Leong v DPP; Cummings v CPS; DPP v Sugden
9. Evidence of Unfitness to Drive
Leetham v DPP; Hurst v DPP; Willicott v DPP; R v Irvine; R v Mohamed (Ahmed)
10. Evidence of Careless Driving
R v Millington
11. Witness Summonses and Disclosure
R v Coventry Magistrates’ Court ex p Perks; R v Skegness Magistrates’ Court ex p Cardy; R v Manchester Crown Court ex p Williams; R v Teesside JJ ex p Payne; R v Kingston-upon-Hull JJ ex p Walton; R v Pirehill North JJ ex p Stoddard; R v Tower Bridge Magistrates’ Court ex p DPP; Fearnley v DPP; DPP v Wood; DPP v McGillicuddy; R (Cunliffe) v West London Magistrates’ Court; R (Cunliffe) v Ealing Magistrates’ Court; R (Cunliffe) v Hastings Magistrates’ Court; Rothon v DPP
12. Late Evidence
Writtle v DPP
1. Attempting to Drive
R v Farrance; Kelly v Hogan; Mason v DPP; Moore v DPP
2. Breath
Zafar v DPP; Woolfe v DPP
3. Consuming
DPP v Johnson (David)
4. Conviction
DPP v Haddigan
5. Driving
R v MacDonagh; Rowan v Chief Constable of the Merseyside Police; McKoen v Ellis; Gunnell v DPP; DPP v Alderton
6. Drug
Bradford v Wilson; R v Ealing Magistrates’ Court ex p Woodman; R v Norman
7. In Charge
DPP v Webb; DPP v Watkins; DPP v Janman; CPS v Bate
8. Interview
CPS v O’Shea; DPP v Rous and Davis; R (Ridehalgh) v DPP; Sneyd v DPP
9. Motor Vehicle
Croitoru v CPS
10. Public Place
Bowman v DPP; DPP v Vivier; DPP v Coulman; Edwards v DPP; R v Colchester JJ ex p Wood; Robinson v DPP; Taussik v DPP; Planton v DPP; DPP v Lloyd (David Michael); R (Lewis) v DPP; Cowan v DPP; Scott Richardson v DPP
11. Road
Lang v Hindhaugh; Brewer v DPP; R (Dunmill) v DPP; Hallett v DPP; Avery v DPP
1. Autrefois Acquit
Broadbent v High; DPP v Porthouse; R v Truro & South Powder JJ ex p McCullagh; Williams (Alan Davies) v DPP
2. Consuming Alcohol after Ceasing to Drive
3. Duress/Necessity
DPP v Jones (Jeremy); DPP v Bell (Derek); DPP v Davis; DPP v Pittaway; DPP v Rogers; DPP v Tomkinson; DPP v Hicks; DPP v Mullally; CPS v Brown (Christopher); Stevens v DPP
4. Insanity
R v Birmingham JJ ex p Jacobs; DPP v Harper; R v Norman
5. No Likelihood of Driving
DPP v Frost; Drake v DPP; Sheldrake v DPP; Attorney General’s Reference (No 4 of 2002); CPS v Thompson
1. The Meaning of “Special”
Whittall v Kirby; Chatters v Burke
2. Emergencies
Taylor v Rajan; Fraser v Barton; Thompson v Diamond; Williams v Tierney; DPP v Waller; DPP v Sendell;
DPP v Feeney; DPP v Knight; DPP v Doyle; DPP v Upchurch; DPP v Bird; DPP v Enston; DPP v Whittle; DPP v Cox; DPP v Bristow; DPP v Tucker; DPP v Goddard; DPP v Ellis; DPP v Ubhi; R (Khan) v DPP; DPP v Heathcote; Key v CPS
3. Laced Drinks
Pugsley v Hunter; Pridige v Gant; Smith v Geraghty; James v Morgan; DPP v Younas; Smith (Ian Philip) v DPP; R v Cambridge Magistrates’ Court ex p Wong; DPP v O’Connor and Other Cases; Woodward (Mark de Maine) v DPP; DPP v Vincent; DPP v Winfield-Grant; Robinson v DPP; DPP v Sharma
4. The Distance Driven and the Degree of Danger
Redmond v Parry; DPP v Thomas (Graham Derek); DPP v Corcoran (Joseph Patrick); DPP v Williams (Shane); Costello v DPP; DPP v Craddock; DPP v Elsender; CPS v Humphries; DPP v Conroy; DPP v Oram; DPP v Harrison; DPP v Cove
5. Unaware of Being over the Limit
DPP v O’Meara; DPP v White; Bryant v DPP; DPP v Jowle; DPP v Anderson (Marilyn); DPP v Wynne
6. Personal Circumstances
Bullen v Keay; DPP v Hyland; DPP v Crawford; DPP v Phillips (Richard Charles)
7. Medical Condition
R v Wickins; R v Jackson; R v Hart; DPP v Williams (Rhys Aubrey)
8. Other Arguments
Lodwick v Brow; Vaughan v Dunn; Bolliston v Gibbons; McCormick v Hitchins; Jane v DPP; DPP v Kinnersley; DPP v Daley (No 2); DPP v Murray (David John); Ng v DPP
9. Exercising the Discretion not to Disqualify/Endorse
R v Ashford and Tenterden Magistrates’ Court ex p Wood; Mayhew v DPP; DPP v Barker; Donahue v DPP; Lane v DPP; Dixon-Watmough v Preston Justices; R v St Alban’s Crown Court ex p O’Donovan
1. Adjournments
Walden v Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court; Stern v Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court; Essen v DPP; Filmer v DPP; Williams v DPP; Visvaratnam v Brent Magistrates’ Court; Balogun v DPP; Cherpion v DPP; DPP v Petrie; R (Jenkins) v Hammersmith Magistrates Court; DPP v Woods; Decani v City of London Magistrates’ Court and CPS; Bourne v Scarborough Magistrates’ Court; R (Gatenby) v Newton Ayecliffe (sic) Magistrates’ Court; R (DPP) v Sunderland Magistrates Court and Hanson; R (Kharaghan) v City of London Magistrates and CPS; R (Parashar) v Sunderland Magistrates’ Court and CPS; Saunders v Bristol Magistrates’ Court and CPS
2. The Case Stated
R v City of London JJ ex p Ocansey; R v Warrington JJ ex p Worsley; R v Cheshire JJ ex p Henshaw;
R v Fylde and Wyre JJ ex p Gornall; R (DPP) v Chorley Magistrates’ Court; DPP v Vince; Kang v DPP
3. Judicial Review
R (Clarke) v Ipswich Crown Court; R (Hi) v Willesden Magistrates’ Court and CPS; DPP (Blakeley) v Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court; DPP (Whyte) v Manchester and Salford Magistrates’ Court; R (Usman) v Reading Magistrates’ Court; R v Wilson, Walmsley, York & Senior; DPP (Bhusal) v Walsall Magistrates’ Court; DPP (Thaiss) v Lincoln Magistrates’ Court
4. Charges
Thomson v Knights; Jones v Thomas (John Barrie); DPP v Gane; R v Chichester Magistrates’ Court ex p DPP; Butterworth v DPP; R v Bolton JJ ex p Khan (Zafer Alli); DPP (R) v Short; R v Phipps; Crann v CPS
5. Costs
Ho-Shing v CPS
6. Disqualification from Driving
George v DPP; R v Loughborough JJ ex p Smith (Steven); Shaw v DPP and Other Cases; Crampsie v DPP; R (Cawley) v Warrington Crown Court
7. Equivocal Plea
Ankrah v DPP
8. Proof of Driving
Patterson v Charlton; DPP v Williams (Charles Anthony); Brown v Stott (Procurator Fiscal, Dunfermline) and Another; Huntley v DPP; Jones (Vivian Mary) v DPP; Premananthan v CPS
9. Legal Aid
R v Richmond Magistrates’ Court ex p Gawel; R v Gravesham Magistrates’ Court ex p Baker; R v Slough Magistrates’ Court ex p Noble; R v Cheshire JJ ex p Rolt; R (Matara) v Brent Magistrates’ Court; R v Dean Thomas
10. The Magistrates
Owen v Jones; R v Downham Market Magistrates’ Court ex p Nudd; DPP v Quinn; R v Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court ex p Tann; Huchard v DPP; R v Newcastle upon Tyne Magistrates’ Court ex p Currie; R v Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court ex p Hammond
11. Re-opening the Case
MacDonald v Skelt; R v Aylesbury Crown Court ex p Lait; Jolly (Christopher) v DPP; R v Cook ex p DPP; Steward v DPP; Khatibi v DPP; Malcolm v DPP
12. Reckless Driving ;
Hand v DPP
13. Stay of Proceedings and Abuse of Process
R v Bishop’s Stortford JJ ex p DPP; DPP v Edgar;DPP v Garrety; R (Bozkurt) v Thames Magistrates’ Court; R v Boyd; Hoar-Stevens v Richmond Magistrates’ Court; Christopher Boucher, Interested Party; DPP v Meakin; Ivic v DPP; Murphy (Gerard) v DPP; Roberts v DPP; Morris v DPP; DPP v Spalluto
14. Verdicts
Macphail v DPP; DPP v Chajed; R v Roberts (Samantha Ann)
15. Perverting the Course of Justice by Avoiding Detection
R v Clark (Mark)
Road Traffic Act 1988, sections 3A to 11
Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, sections 15, 16, 34, 35


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