Legalise Cannabis News
Hello LCA Members (and thank you for being one)!
I thought this newsletter would be announcing the Federal Election, but Cyclone Alfred changed all that, and now it could easily be called for MardiGrass Saturday, the third of May. It does give us some extra time, however, to get further organised and announce more lower house candidates.
What we can do obviously depends on how much money we can raise and at $2k for each candidate’s nomination fee plus printing flyers and corflutes you get the picture. Many thanks to the many who have donated so far, and rest assured, any amount at all is appreciated. Think of it as an investment in being able to grow your own weed in the future, which will seriously help the cost of living for a lot of people.
Meanwhile our politicians keep on keeping on and we’re very happy to see Dr Brian is back for another term in WA, re-elected at the weekend. Jeremy ‘Joe Bogan’, as the media are calling him in NSW, has launched an impressive podcast featuring quite a few high profile politicians. And our two Victorian MP’s, Rachel and David, have decided to flex their muscles and push harder for our Stage One Policy to allow homegrown and so on.
The RDT laws are under real pressure to change in NSW, if only the police would support it. What a total conflict of interest it is to have police involved in drug war decisions. The Police Union is never going to support any sort of law reform, because it’s their jobs on the line as more than half of all police work is drug related.
At least the ACT Police have changed their minds, after opposing the new cannabis laws there, which in a review have caused zero dramas. It is severely limited though, as they are not allowed to grow their miserly two plants indoors in Canberra, or buy seeds. Two rules we aim to change with our Three Stage Plan. I respect that police might be the experts on catching drug dealers, but why are they seen as the experts on drugs? How much experience have they got? They don’t realise they’ve become Big Pharma’s private army.
In the decades of campaigning for cannabis law reform no one ever envisioned we would be getting it legally via a doctor. Doctors were always ridiculing us, “no evidence of any medicinal properties”. Now suddenly, ‘legal weed’ as it’s now widely known, is a $2 billion a year turnover in Oz, in only a few years, with no sign of slowing down.
I guess we should be grateful for small mercies, as it has helped a lot of people actually try cannabis for the first time, and sleep easier at night. However, this situation of not being allowed to grow our own, and not being allowed to drive, is even more insane than before. I’ve read nonsense like, “unless it’s pharmaceutically grown it’s not safe”. Almost none of the legal weed is organic or grown outdoors and most is imported from overseas.
We need to look after the Aussie medical licensed growers who face much stricter regulations than the imports. On the other hand I’m in favour of micro-licences as well as social clubs, something like they have decided on in Canada. Why not learn from their experience? A licence to grow in 50 square metres or 200 square metres. There are thousands of jobs waiting to happen in such a scenario, I believe, and many of them for the long-term unemployed, who already know how to do this! Let’s not waste the experience nor the expertise. I also think we should legalise an Aussie seed market, once we’re allowed to grow our own.
Please chip in to the election campaign if you can, it has to happen before 17 May, so it’s soon. And if you have some time to help handing out How-to-Vote cards when the Election does happen, do get in touch at Personally, I enjoy those days, and love smashing the stigma ball around. Go with a friend and take a stool and a couple of joints. I recommend, legal, of course.
Michael Balderstone
Legalise Cannabis Australia
New South Wales
Canberra has some of the most relaxed cannabis laws in the country—so where’s the social decay? Where are the public orgies the fearmongers warned us about?
In this video, I put the question straight to NSW Premier Chris Minns: Has his government received any reports of widespread lawlessness, social collapse, or other reefer madness nonsense since the ACT legalised personal cannabis use? Or has life just… gone on as normal?
It’s time to cut through the political spin and look at the reality. If the sky hasn’t fallen in the ACT, why is NSW still stuck in the past? What do you think—should NSW follow Canberra’s lead?

Introducing: Into the Weeds
We’ve been talking about it, and now—it’s here. My brand-new podcast, Into the Weeds, has officially launched!
In this series, I’m diving deep into cannabis culture, politics, and reform. From the science of growing to the politics of prohibition, we’re tackling it all—uncensored, unfiltered, and straight to the point.
Expect bold interviews, real stories, and the hard truths that politicians don’t want you to hear. Whether you’re a seasoned advocate or just curious about what’s really going on, this podcast is for you.
New Episodes Weekly!

What’s Next?
With Mardi Gras behind us and Into the Weeds launched, we’re keeping the momentum going. The fight for cannabis legalisation isn’t slowing down, and neither are we.
Join us, share the podcast, and keep pushing for a New South Wales that finally embraces cannabis law reform.
Free the Weed!
Jeremy Buckingham MLC
Member of the NSW Legislative Council
Legalise Cannabis Party
LCQ attendance at the Sydney Mardi Gras and Knotfest, in Brisbane
With the President of LCQ and other members of the Queensland Party, alongside members from New South Wales and Victoria, a float, cannabis leaves galore and a few little ‘Big Joints’, Legalise Cannabis Party made a splash at their inaugural Sydney Mardi Gras with the catchcry, ‘Free to Be, Free the Weed’!

Meanwhile in Brisbane on the same weekend, lead Senate Candidate for Queensland, Belinda Jones, attended Knotfest with several volunteers and enjoyed a different type of campaigning, in the mosh pit, with a cool refreshing water-spray for everyone!

Victorian review looking at relaxing cannabis laws holds public hearing
Legalise Cannabis Victoria pushed for a parliamentary committee to look at the pros and cons of relaxing cannabis laws and held public hearings on Friday, 14 February. LCV MP Rachel Payne is a member of the Legal and Social Issues Committee holding the inquiry.
Policy Manager for the Alcohol and Drug Foundation Robert Taylor told the inquiry that criminalising cannabis needlessly directs young people into the criminal justice system. In the ACT, there has been no penalty for possessing, growing or using small amounts of cannabis since 2020, and Rachel says the inquiry is looking at how that has worked out and whether Victoria could adopt something similar.
The Parliamentary Committee is investigating the merits of a bill Rachel introduced in the Upper House in 2023 to allow adults to legally possess small quantities of cannabis for personal use – the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis) Bill 2023. “The Committee will release its report on the bill review on 18 March, and could recommend that the law be changed to allow personal possession. The Allan Government should respond to any recommendations promptly”.

Victoria becomes the first mainland state to end automatic licence loss for medicinal cannabis script holders
On Saturday 1 March, Victoria became the first mainland state to protect medicinal cannabis prescription holders from automatic loss of licence – and the state’s Legalise Cannabis MPs, both medicinal cannabis patients, couldn’t be happier. The amendment to the Road Safety Act allows magistrates to exercise sentencing discretion for drivers who test positive for THC – if they hold a valid prescription for medicinal cannabis and are unimpaired while driving.
David said he was prescribed medicinal cannabis to manage pain and sleeplessness. “I couldn’t wait for this law change to come into effect” he said. “And Legalise Cannabis Victoria will be watching the first cases to go before magistrates with great interest. “This is such an important win for our community”.
Rachel said the law change, approved by both houses of the Victorian Parliament late last year (including Labor and the Coalition), was much needed and totally rational. “There could be tiny traces of THC in my system. It’s hard to know, but I’m so relieved that I will now be spared from automatic loss of licence”.
Western Australia

Firstly, a big thank you to all forty-two LCWA candidates, they helped field the most Legislative Assembly seat candidates (34) for any Legalise Cannabis Party so far, alongside all the volunteers who assisted during the campaign. Your combined efforts helped immensely in getting the Hon. Dr Brian Walker re-elected to the Upper House. We appear to be on track to improve our vote share from the 2021 State Election. Our best-performing seat looks to be Girrawheen—perhaps we can nickname it ‘Giraweed’ or ‘Give-Us-Weed’ in the future!
Overall, the counting is nearly complete, and we have polled around 2.7% statewide—an improvement. However, there has been a noticeable drop in voter turnout, reflecting the frustration many Western Australians feel with the political system. People are tired of being trapped in the duopoly of Labor and the Liberals. If you know someone who didn’t vote, please encourage them to do so in the future—the only way to create change is to make our voices heard!
Some of the highlights of our campaign included:
- The Cannabis Economics Forum, which was very well received by the public
- Our South West Tour, covering Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River and Denmark, headlined by our incredibly fun launch event in Margaret River
- Picketing the ABC Leaders’ Forum, after they told us they had no room for Dr Walker
- Election Day, which was a fantastic and enjoyable day for both our volunteers and candidates.

LCWA would also like to extend a special thank you to three individuals:
- Timbo Markham, our Vice President, who worked so hard getting materials to volunteers that his car broke down
- Craig Buchanan, who played a crucial role in sourcing candidates and ensuring pre-poll and Election Day booths were staffed in the Rockingham area
- Melissa D’Ath, who, unfortunately, won’t be joining Brian in the Chamber, but poured everything into the Campaign. She was instrumental in planning the official Campaign Launch, the South West Tour and she also helped us achieve a first—outperforming our final vote total in pre-polling for Warren-Blackwood
Thank you all for your dedication and hard work!
Please keep an eye out for ways to support LCWA in the upcoming Federal Election Campaign, with our lead Senate candidate, Jason Meotti.
Australia Institute research shows almost nine in ten (87%) Australians want Parliament to pass truth in political advertising laws. A clear majority, 72%, agree they are concerned about lies and misinformation that circulated on social media during the most recent referendum campaign.
Whether it is an election or a referendum, voters should go to the polls armed with the facts. It is perfectly legal to lie in a political advertisement and it shouldn’t be. South Australia has had truth in political advertising laws since the 1980s and the Australian Capital Territory recently legislated similar laws.
The campaign, by the Penington Institute, asks the Victorian community to ‘Take the cannabis test’—a five-question online quiz designed to encourage the community to think about how cannabis can be safely regulated.
2025 Federal Election Senate Candidates
Bio’s and Social Media Contacts
Please Feel Free to Donate to Any of the Senate Candidates Campaigns!
Miles Hunt—New South Wales
Lance Lawrence—Northern Territory
Belinda Jones—Queensland
Matthew Owen—Tasmania
Fiona Patten—Victoria
Jason Meotti—Western Australia
Around the World with Cannabis
Africa/Asia — Australasia/Oceania — Europe — The Americas
Paraguay Makes History by Exporting Industrial Cannabis Flowers to Switzerland
Cannabis May Be “Beneficial in Inducing Clinical Remission” in Patients With Crohn’s Disease
Cannabis Oil Improves Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms
Possessing Cannabis is Decriminalised in the ACT But Getting Behind the Wheel with it in Your System is an Offence
Alabama-Grown Hemp Packs a Punch Against Food-borne Pathogens!
Canberra Cultivators Mainly Grow ‘Mild and Modest’ Cannabis, Study Finds
Cumbrian Woman With MS Says Legal Cannabis ‘Keeps Her Alive’ (United Kingdom)
Cannabis Cultivation, Energy Use and Emissions
A Plant Medicine Caught in a Synthetic System
Right Now, We Can Safely Produce High-Quality Cannabis in Aeroponics in Our Greenhouse
Cannabis Reform in the ACT Showing Promising Results
8 Common Conditions that are Now Being Treated with Medical Cannabis
LCP Calls for Cannabis Legalisation to Break the Cycle of Youth Criminalisation
Cannabis Tourism in 2025: Destinations, Trends, and Tips
Australia: Patients to Get Easier Access to Medical Products From IndiMed
Australian Medicinal Cannabis Company Looks to Set Up Kiosks in NZ Stores
Health Minister Mark Butler Responds to PBS Petition
Government Review Sparks Hope for New Zealand’s Stalled Industrial Hemp Industry
Why Cannabis Will Never Be On The PBS
Most Americans Favour Legalising Marijuana for Medical, Recreational Use
Police Bust ‘Gandalf’, Leaving Hundreds Without Medicinal Cannabis (Aotearoa/NZ)
Swinburne Launches Five-Year Investigation into Medicinal Cannabis Backed by $688k Government Grant
Medical Cannabis Dosing Doesn’t Negatively Impact Driving Performance in Experienced Patients
Contact Your Legalise Cannabis MPs
If you have an issue in your State, don’t hesitate to contact the office of your Legalise Cannabis parliamentarian in New South Wales, Victoria or Western Australia from early February 2025, when the various parliaments return.
Jeremy Buckingham MLC
Legalise Cannabis New South Wales
NSW Parliament House
6 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9230 2652
David Ettershank MP
Member for Western Metropolitan Region
Legalise Cannabis Victoria
Suite 101, 19 Lacy Street
Braybrook VIC 3019
(03) 9317 5900
Rachel Payne MP
Member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Legalise Cannabis Victoria
384a Nepean Highway
Chelsea Vic 3196
(03) 9651 8972
Legalise Cannabis Victoria YouTube Channel
Dr Brian Walker MLC
Member for the East Metropolitan Region
Legalise Cannabis WA
2 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005
(08) 9226 3550
0416 882 279
Dr Brian Walker YouTube Channel