Grassley’s Amendments Don’t Pass Go… Hemp Bill Passes Senate


The Farm Bill just passed the Senate Agriculture Committee by an overwhelming 20-1 vote, and will soon go to the Senate floor.

And thanks to your strong advocacy, the Grassley Amendment was never even voted on.  After our action alert last night, thousands of hemp supporters emailed and phoned their Senators, and blew up the Internet with social media posts.  Washington listened.  And we won!

You can watch video of the colloquy between Senator Grassley and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell here (skip over to the 2:08 mark).  SPOILER ALERT – McConnell was awesome.

While this is a very exciting and welcome development, the battle is not over.  Senator Grassley has indicated that he would like to meet with other Senators to incorporate his ideas after the committee votes on the Farm Bill (likely later today).  We must remain vigilant.

We have adjusted the language on our online portal to reflect the new circumstances.  We still encourage you to contact your Senators to block any efforts to introduce Grassley’s language on the Senate floor.  Please encourage your friends, customers, colleagues and social media contacts to use our portal to keep up the heat on permanent hemp legislation



Senate Committee Approves Farm Bill with Hemp Legalization Language


We are quite pleased to see that the 2018 Farm Bill – including the critical provisions relating to hemp – passed through the Senate Agricultural Committee earlier today in tact and without the concerning amendments proposed by Sen. Chuck Grassley yesterday.

Sen. Mitch McConnell and numerous other members of Congress continue to champion this landmark legislation through Congress – those tireless efforts are much appreciated. However, the fight is not yet over in the Senate – the Farm Bill must still be evaluated on the Senate floor, as early as tomorrow, where Sen. Grassley could again attempt interject. We must remain vigilant and keep a watchful eye over Congress.

We encourage your continued support, and for all hemp industry stakeholders to contact your Senators to share your support of this vital legislation, which is necessary to further cementing the rightful place the thriving and emerging hemp industry.

-Hoban Law Group


Cannabis Business Times

Medical Marijuana Protections Included in Senate CJS Appropriations Bill

The provision, which was included in the base bill for the first time ever, would continue to block the Justice Department from interfering in state medical marijuana laws.

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