War on Drugs Resumes in California

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AUTHOR: Jordan Zoot

War on Drugs Resumes in California – there was a stunning raid of Power Farms, LLC in Santa Barbara County last week. The report on what transpired states………..

On January 31, 2019, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Cannabis Compliance Team concluded a four-month investigation into a local cannabis cultivator, operating under the name of Power Farms LLC, which is located just outside the City of Carpinteria. During this investigation, which spanned two counties and involved three separate search warrants, Detectives discovered one of the owners, whose name is being withheld due to the ongoing investigation, had provided false information during the county cannabis application process and was failing to follow proper shipping and manifest procedures. The owners’s Los Angeles County home, was served with a search warrant. There, Detectives seized several unregistered firearms, two which were reported stolen, as well as approximately 60 pounds of processed and packaged marijuana taken from Power Farms. They also seized thousands of dollars in cash and other items of evidence.

This investigation culminated in the voluntary surrender of the owner’s state temporary cannabis license, which resulted in detectives from the Cannabis Compliance Team, Special Investigations Bureau, District Attorney’s Office, and Game Wardens from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, eradicating and removing illegal cannabis from Power Farms as they no longer had a valid state permit to cultivate or possess commercial cannabis. Approximately 22,420 cannabis plants were eradicated from three separate green houses and approximately 1,420 pounds of dried / drying cannabis were seized.

Source: Power Farms Raided In Santa Barbara County California After Lying On Application

So let’s see if we can summarize what happened here:

  • The owners provided false information on a license application.
  • The key to what occurred lies in the falsity in the licensing application.
  • The operation was not following proper SOP’s with respect to transportation manifests
  • Confronted with the falsity the unrepresented and ill-advised owner voluntarily surrendered his license.
  • The raid was blessed by the surrender of the license.
  • Is the consultant who assisted in the preparation of the license exposed to a conspiracy charge?
  • How about their attorneys?

Our Cannabis Mage suggests the following advice be carefully reflected upon in the situation:

aBIZ Cannabis Mage

– When confronted with a search warrant, do not say anything.

– BCC has an enforcement division and is looking for scalps.

– A low profile is a good thing to have.

– You cannot trust anyone in the industry.

We truly try not to self promote, but this situation illustrates where having a CPA firm with real experience working in the legal cannabis industry in California in tandem with an experienced attorney just might help prevent disaster. The alternative is hiring a Mage.


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