Marijuana Times Report: Legal Dispensary Oil Implicated In Second Cannabis Vaping Death

They write, ” Oregon health officials announced this week that a middle-aged man who had been vaping THC oil purchased at a dispensary has died of a mysterious lung ailment that has so far struck more than 200 mostly young victims nationwide…..If true, the cannabis industry may be staring down the barrel of an epic crisis.”

Marijuana Times are on the mark here and this is a must read piece.

The market is, as everybody knows, flooded with fake vape cartridges. Nobody  seems knows the difference between real and fake and now this story suggests that  real / fake might not even matter as the simple fact could be that vaping and vaping THC could be the cause of the 2 known deaths so far.

Combine this with the pump and dump culture of the regulated cannabis world and a plethora of other misdemeanors just bubbling under the surface and it looks like the run up to the end of 2019 could be a very rocky road for the sector indeed


MT report

Either way, the fast-breaking epidemic is pulling the curtain back on some inconvenient truths about the legalization movement, and causing a major headache for the e-cigarette business. Neither The Centers for Disease Control nor the US Food and Drug Administration have yet to pin the blame for the vaping disease outbreak on one or the other, noting that some victims reported using e-cigarettes, while others said they used cannabis oil in e-cigarette devices. State health officials suggest some of the former lied.

In Illinois, where two dozen victims have been identified and one has died, “Not everyone reported using THC oil,” said Ngozi Ezike, MD, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health. “We can’t say if that was because they were scared to acknowledge it or because they never used it.”

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