Article: Does It Make Sense to Take Regional Approach to Taxing Legal Marijuana?

NJ Spotlight reports on the cannabis conversations between Governor’s of 4 NE states that took place last week.

Tax was high on the agenda


Here’s the introduction to the report

While tax rates for products like beer and cigarettes often vary from state to state, Gov. Phil Murphy and his counterparts from nearby states are considering a regional approach to taxing legalized adult-use marijuana.

That was among the many issues that came up at a recent meeting of Murphy and the governors of Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania — three other states where legalization has been discussed but has yet to make it across the finish line.

Credit: NJTV News
Gov. Phil Murphy, second from right, joined the governors of New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut on Oct. 17 to discuss interstate marijuana regulations.

It’s too early to tell how the regional discussions will end up. But the governors’ cooperation on legalization suggests the states could try to align their regulatory policies, thus ensuring there will be no incentive for marijuana users to cross state lines to shop for better deals.

“Our impact is much greater when we break out of our own silos as individual states and collaborate on the tough issues plaguing our region and nation,” Murphy said in a statement issued after the meeting, which was billed as a regional summit on issues related to marijuana and vaping.

Other regional regulatory policies

And it’s more than just aligning on taxes for legalized marijuana that the four governors, all Democrats, have agreed to discuss as a regional concern. Other issues highlighted by the governors after the meeting were calls to coordinate things like social-justice reform and cannabis research.

“Together, we can ensure that these challenges are met with thoughtful, comprehensive action for those who live and work in our region,” Murphy said.

Right now, recreational marijuana has been legalized in 11 states, although some, like Maine, are still figuring out how to regulate sales, according to a recent report published by the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based group that closely watches state tax trends.

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