What’s Happening At Lowell Farms ?

First they disengage with their “branded” cafe in West Hollywood with little or no explanation and now the State of California are suing them for unlicensed processing. Have they more things hidden under the rug that we should know about?

Weedweek blog authored by the always well informed Alex Halperin tells us the following…

We wonder if this sentence is the giveaway for the decoupling of cafe with thecore business?

The California Dept. of Food and Agriculture is suing California brand Lowell Herb Co. and “associated entities” for allegedly engaging in commercial cannabis activity without a license.


Weed Week report


The California Dept. of Food and Agriculture is suing California brand Lowell Herb Co. and associated entities for allegedly engaging in commercial cannabis activity without a license.

  • Update: Lowell responds “During the industry’s transition in 2018, Lowell was working through a licensed third-party operator who had a lapse in their license. Thankfully the state is now caught up issuing new licenses, and we are currently operating in Los Angeles with both our Distribution and Type 6 Manufacturing licenses.   Our team will be reaching out to the CDFA to address their concerns for the issues that arose from the lapse in this license.

More at https://www.weedweek.net/roundup/ww-california-sues-lowell-herb-co-exclusive-interview-ianthus-ceo-hadley-ford-12-16-19/

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