BCC Survey – Closing Date 12 January

BCC want your thoughts and opinions so they can improve. Let’s be honest some straight up suggestions and answers are just what they need at the moment. So, if you are in the CA cannabis sector this is a must complete survey.


To All Interested Parties,

This is a reminder the survey linked below will close this Sunday, January 12. If you wish to participate, please review the following information:

Nearly three years ago, Proposition 64 marked the beginning of California’s three state cannabis licensing authorities: The Bureau of Cannabis Control, the California Department of Food and Agriculture and the California Department of Public Health. Each licensing authority was tasked with establishing new government programs that would shift the nation’s first medical cannabis market created by Proposition 215 to arguably the world’s largest fully-regulated commercial cannabis industry.

In an effort to continuously improve these cannabis programs, and with support from Governor Gavin Newsom, the Office of Innovation under the California Health and Human Services Agency is assessing the online licensing and complaints portals used by the three state licensing authorities. To fully assess these online portals, the Office of Innovation is requesting your feedback.

Please take a few moments to fill out this brief survey, which will remain open until January 12, 2020: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YDFRBPJ.

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