Will The Proposed Regulatory System Planned For California Improve Life For Cannabis Businesses?

Here’s a snippet of what MJ biz have to say

A proposed overhaul of California’s marijuana regulatory and tax collection system could mean far less headaches for licensed cannabis companies in the state.

It could also indicate there’s more legislative help on the way in 2020 for California’s struggling legal marijuana market.

When he announced his annual budget plan on Jan. 10, California Gov. Gavin Newsom said he wants to:

  • Merge a trio of regulatory agencies – the Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), the Department of Food and Agriculture and the Department of Public Health – into a single Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) by July 2021.
  • Streamline marijuana tax collections.

Which means nothing is yet set in stone.
Industry stakeholders applauded both proposals, but at this point many details remain unannounced, and the budget still needs approval by state lawmakers.

“There are more unknowns than knowns about this transition at this point,” said Josh Drayton, communications chief for the California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA).

But in general, he said, both proposals are likely to be positive for the legal market.

The proposed merging of the three regulatory agencies is the biggest switch, Drayton noted, because that will unify all regulatory power underneath one roof: the DCC.

Currently, the BCC has most of the duties with oversight of retailers, delivery services, microbusinesses, distributors, events and testing labs.

The Department of Public Health regulates marijuana manufacturers; the Department of Food and Agriculture oversees growers.

If and when the proposed DCC is online, that agency would be the lead regulator for every state-licensed marijuana business.

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Proposed regulatory and tax reforms in California could make life simpler for marijuana businesses


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