How To Make a Cannabis Quilt

From quaintness to quilting, your outcome –a finished product – is the product of careful crafting, organization, and commitment to discovering what works for you personally. Loyalty to your fabric, your process, and committment to your final artistic accomplishment is the key to success.

How to Make Your Quilt

  1. Choose a Quilt Pattern
  2. Gather Tools and Materials
  3. Cut the Patchwork
  4. Sew the Patchwork
  5. Baste the Quilt
  6. Quilting Stitches
  7. Bind the Quilt
  8. Enjoy Your Quilt

Likewise, from politics to planting to production, it’s not about brand loyalty; it’s about cannabis loyalty. 

Your cannabis supplementation success is dependent on your journey to craft a cannabis regimen that works for you. 

Your key to benefitting your body and achieving balance —or homeostasis, lies in your cannabis loyalty, tracking your physical and mental progress, and your final synergistic success. It does not lie in brand loyalty. 

In quilting, the choices are also limited only by your imagination, trial and error, and your finalized method of utilization. Similar to your cannabis choices, as a quilter, you stick with what you know works well for you and helps you achieve balance in the finished quilt. This is fabric or quilt loyalty, not brand loyalty.

In cannabis, decide your specific products from the dispensary of your choice, the strains and profiles that mesh for you through the process of trial and error. You discover patterns and decide a workable cannabis supplementation regimen for yourself.

As a cannabis consumer, remain loyal to the cannabis products, cultivar strains, and chemovar profiles that you know work together well in/for your individual body. 

A November 2018 piece by Modern Canna Science insightfully explains the differences between cultivar and chemovar are subtle, yet vital to your cannabis-quilting endeavor:

What is cannabis cultivar and the traditional way of classifying medical marijuana?

“The current system of mapping cannabis by cultivar into Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid categories stems from a rudimentary vernacular used by illicit producers of marijuana prior to legalization. 

“Classification by leaf shape, plant height, color, smell, and time to grow was not necessarily accurate. According to the system, Sativa strains are generally “uplifting” and “energetic,” characterized by a “head high,” whereas Indica strains were more “calming,” “relaxing,” and “stress-relieving.”

“Several studies have challenged this classification, finding that the product names did not accurately distinguish chemical composition or THC potency. Often, samples sharing the same name did not even look similar. 

What is cannabis chemovar and why is it believed to be more accurate for classification?

“Chemovar, sometimes referred to as chemotype, is a chemically distinct entity within a plant. You may also hear of these characteristics as “terpenes.” The aromatic terpenes dictate the odor and effects of a given strain of cannabis.

“Dr. Philippe Henry PhD proposed breaking down products by alpha-bisabolo, alpha-humulene, alpha-pinene, beta-caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, limonene linalool, myrcene, and terpinolene. Optimizing chemical markers could feasibly “lessen the financial burden” on groups.

“Researchers Arno Hazekamp, Katerina Tejkalova, and Stelios Papadimitriou found that Sativa and Indica did not differ in their major cannabinoids THC or CBD. However, at the hydroxolated terpene level, samples could be more effectively categorized by alpha-terpineol, linalool, geraniol, camphor [eucalyptol] and linalool.”

With all this new knowledge in hand, let’s merge the two endeavors together: quilting and cannabis. Loyalty to the basics and the overarching idea of each, first and foremost, is the secret to success in your endeavor, whether making crafts or buying and using craft cannabis. 

Sticking to only one brand or store is ludicrous and counterproductive to the end result or finished product in both crafts. There is an art to discovering your ideal cannabis combination and here’s my guide.

How to make Your Cannabis Quilt

  1. Squares of fabric equal cannabis
  2. Type of fabric equals cannabinoids
  3. Print on fabric equals terpenes
  4. Washable or dry-clean, ironable or not, equals flavonoids
  5. Put these all together in your body and you have your unique cannabis quilt.
  6. Enjoy your cannabis quilt

Use the fabric analogy as follows: Fabric is cannabis.

Different types of fabric: jeans, leather, cotton, polyester, corduroy —those are the cannabinoids, or CBs, for short.

Each piece of fabric has its own unique print: plaid, Argyle, floral, stripes, plain —those are the terpenes. 

Each one is a washable fabric or not washable; dry clean only; ironable or not —those are the flavonoids.

When you put all of those squares of fabric together, no matter the combination, then you can create a quilt that covers your entire body, made up of the whole flower entourage effect of the specific cannabis plants you choose to consume in various delivery methods.

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In Nov 2018, Wired magazine ran an enlightening piece called THC! CBD! Terpenoids! Cannabis Science Is Getting Hairy: “Now let me add yet another complication to our growing list of complications: THC and CBD are far from alone in the cannabis plant when it comes to medicinal properties.”

Entourage Effect, Defined:

entourage (noun) > en• tour• age |\ˌen-tour-ahj

1a. ​a group of people who travel with an important person; 1b. The idea that molecules that occur together in nature interact in useful ways — definitely applies to cannabinoids and terpenes. 

(Oxford Advanced American, 2019)

Bailey Rahn’s January 8, 2020 piece on The entourage effect: How cannabis compounds may be working together succinctly sums up this complete process, or multivitamin-type effect:

“Take a close look at your cannabis buds. They’re covered in sticky, shining dots of resin, and in this resin are hundreds of therapeutic compounds that contribute to the effects and benefits of cannabis.

This theory that various cannabis compounds work together to create unique effects and benefits was coined “the entourage effect” in the 1990s by Israeli scientist and world-renowned cannabis researcher Dr. Ralph Mechoulam.

You’re likely already acquainted with the plant’s two most famous compounds, THC and CBD, but there are many other compounds the plant produces in lesser abundance that seem to play a supporting role in the overall effects of a particular strain.

But cannabis is far more than just THC and CBD. It also produces other cannabinoids like CBN, CBC, CBG, and dozens more—as well as terpenes, which are aromatic compounds also readily found in the essential oils of lavender, orange, black pepper, eucalyptus, and much more.”

EXTRA¹: How your body metabolizes cannabinoids

EXTRA²: 2010 study concerning Entourage Effect 

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As I stated earlier, when you put all of those squares together —cannabis + cannabinoids + terpenes + flavonoids— then you can make a quilt that covers your entire body, made up the whole flower cannabis plants you consume in various delivery methods. Let’s examine each separate square of our cannabis quilt. 

The individual squares of fabric equal cannabis for our quilt, i.e. size, thickness, style,and effectiveness for finished product. We need to incorporate that Entourage Effect discussed earlier to guide our path to success.  Here are the basics to help you visualize. 

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The two main types of cannabis, sativa and indica, are used for a number of medicinal and recreational purposes.

  • Sativas are known for their “head high,” an invigorating, energizing effect that can help reduce anxiety or stress and increase creativity and focus.
  • Indicas are typically associated with full-body effects or “couch lock,” an increasing deep relaxation, relieving muscle spasticity, and reducing insomnia.

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The type or material of fabric squares equals cannabinoids in our quilt— i.e. cotton, leather, denim, polyester, corduroy material. 


There are over 480 natural components found within the Cannabis sativa plant, of which 66 have been classified as “cannabinoids;” chemicals unique to the plant. The effects of THC, the most researched, are believed to be moderated by the influence of the other components of the plant, most particularly the cannabinoids. The cannabinoids are separated into subclasses. 

The major subclasses are listed below, but are not limited to this list:

  1. Cannabigerols (CBG)
  2. Cannabichromenes (CBC)
  3. Cannabidiols (CBD)
  4. Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC)
  5. Cannabinol (CBN)
  6. Cannabinodiol (CBDL)

Terpenes and cannabinoids (such as CBD and THC) work together to maximize benefits in the body. Lab and patient-based studies reveal that while CBD or THC can work alone for some symptoms, they can often create better outcomes in combination,” as reported by Leafly’s terpene section. 

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The various designs on our fabric squares equal terpenes, i.e.  i.e.plaid, floral, striped, plain, argyle prints.


According to Leafly, terpenes explained:

Secreted in the same glands that produce cannabinoids like THC and CBD, terpenes are aromatic oils that color cannabis varieties with distinctive flavors like citrus, berry, mint, and pine. Terpenes may play a key role in differentiating the effects of various cannabis strains.

“Terpenes are molecular compounds that are naturally found in plants and insects, manifest themselves most often in the forms of natural oils, and are accompanied by a distinct aroma and viscosity.

Specific ratios, especially with naturally occurring terpenes, have the potential to cause even better effects. The entourage effect is one of the leading theories influencing cannabis research worldwide.”

The types of terpenes are listed below but are not limited to the following:

Anti-inflammatory, sleep aid, muscle relaxant, anti-mutagenic. Also found in hops.

Treats acid reflux, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant. Also found in citrus lemon.

Anesthetic, anti-convulsant, analgesic, anti-anxiety. Also found in lavender.

Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, protects cells lining the digestive tract. Also found in black pepper

Anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator (improves airflow to lungs), aids memory, anti-bacterial. Found in pine needles

Natural antioxidant, sweet flavoring, potential protective effect against neuropathy. Also found in geraniums

Anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. Bisabolol is also demonstrated to enhance the percutaneous absorption of certain molecules.

Natural constituent of a number of aromatic plants and their essential oil fraction; it was given GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturer’s Association FEMA in 1965 and approved by the FDA for food use. Controls airway mucus hypersecretion and asthma via anti-inflammatory cytokine inhibition.

Effective treatment for nonpurulent rhinosinusitis. Reduces inflammation and pain. Also found in mouthwash and cough suppressant. 

Anti-oxidant, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, mild sedative. Also found in lilacs.

Anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-proliferative (inhibits cancer cell growth). Also found in cloves.

Anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and anti-microbial activity.

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Types of qualities naturally embedded equal flavonoids, i.e. washable, dry clean only, preshrunk, ironable, wrinkle-resistant.

Flavonoids are a diverse group of phytonutrients (plant chemicals) found in almost all fruits and vegetables, and in Cannabis. Along with carotenoids, they are responsible for the vivid colors in fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are the largest group of phytonutrients, with more than 6,000 types, or to many to list.

The main function of flavonoids is to protect plants, and, at the cellular level, to serve as cell cycle regulators. Supplied with food for the human body, the flavonoids exhibit high biological activity and display antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties.

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In conclusion, let’s review the fabric of cannabis supplementation success:

  • squares of fabric? —Cannabis
  • type or material of fabric? —Cannabinoids
  • pattern of fabric? —Terpenes
  • qualities or taste of fabric? —Flavonoids
  • mixed altogether in your daily cannabis regimen? —The Entourage Effect that creates your final cannabis supplementation regimen.

As a savvy cannabis consumer, now you have the knowledge to make a cannabis quilt of your very own.

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