What to Expect From a Third Party Laboratory


The best way to stand out in the cannabis market is to work with third-party laboratories, which help you to identify the best products to stock and the right suppliers to work with. The laboratories are independent, meaning they are not affiliated with any party in the cannabis supply chain. So, when you take product samples for testing, what should you expect?


Cannabinoid Profile Testing

Cannabinoid testing (potency testing) is done to help determine the type and quantities of cannabinoids in a cannabis product sample.

In a cannabis plant, there are hundreds of cannabinoids that have different therapeutic effects. The potency test mainly checks the top nine cannabinoids, including CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (Cannabigerol).

The potency test will also determine the level of THC (Δ9–tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the psychotic component in a cannabis plant. According to the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018, no cannabis product on the market should have over 0.3% of THC.


Pesticides Testing

Today, a big percentage of the contracted cannabis farmers use insecticides to help control pests and accelerate growth. If some of the insecticides get into the cannabis plant tissues and are removed during processing, they will no doubt be found in the final product. So, here are some of the pesticides that are checked in 3rd party laboratories:


Organic Solvents Testing

If the manufacturer of the cannabis products you anticipate to stock uses organic solvents such as isobutene and acetone, there is a danger of some remnants being found in his products.

To reduce the problem of having organic solvents on cannabis products, manufacturers are now shifting to more advanced methods of extraction, including super-critical CO2. So, organic solvent testing will only be needed if the cannabis product was extracted using solvents.

Heavy Metal Testing

Cannabis plants are known for their good bio-accumulation ability, which means they easily absorb nutrients that make them grow rapidly.

While this is a good trait, it also means that they will also take up heavy metals that might be present in the field. If your customers take cannabis products with harmful heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, and mercury, there is a danger of suffering from cell damage and inflammation-related conditions.

Third party laboratories check for the presence of different heavy metals, allowing you only to sell the products that are safe.

Bio-Contaminants Testing

Bio-contaminants such, such as molds, bacterial, E. coli, and Salmonella, are some of the common pathogens that can be found in a cannabis product.

They can get into the product when the plant is still in the field or during processing. To identify bio-contaminants, most laboratories use polymerase chain reaction tests to note the different DNA strands in a sample and compare them with millions of know strands.

If you want to be successful in the cannabis market, make sure to only stock high products, which have the right packaging details and free from harmful content. To achieve this, you should work with a good third party laboratory.

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