Addictive Personality Disorder – Can It Be Overcome ?

The addictive personality term is used for people who have a set of traits that make them more prone to drug addiction or alcoholism or any other form of addiction. Someone with an addictive personality disorder may get addicted to things like video games, food or even sex. This is just not limited to drugs and alcohol.  

People with a high risk of developing addictive personality are:

  • Apathetic
  • Adventurous and risk-taking
  • Related to people who have an addictive personality
  • Experience any mental disorder
  • Unable to self-regulate

According to the medical director of the Centre for Neurobehavioral Research on Addiction at the University of Texas Health Science Centre at Houston, addictive personality is not a psychiatric diagnosis. There is no single type of personality that is more prone to develop an addictive personality. Several factors combine to make a person develop an addictive personality. 

Some common traits that stand out in people with addictive personality have:

  • Impulsive personality
  • Adrenaline junkies
  • People-pleasing
  • Additional mental disorders
  • Inability to self-regulate
  • Related to substance abuse patients

People with a family history of addiction are more likely to develop an addictive personality. Research has proven that genes play an important role in addiction. The inability to regulate emotions is one of the early signs of an addictive personality. To cope with uncomfortable emotions, the person may take help from an unhealthy coping mechanism. 

Addiction comes with a set of medical problems. Some people might develop one or a combination of these mental disorders due to addiction:

  • Antisocial personality disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic disorder
  • Anxiety 

Ways to overcome an addictive personality

People with addictive personalities have a hard time controlling their addiction. If they successfully quit one addiction, another takes over. People with ADO might take help from the following options:

Finding an alternative

Instead of using and binging on an addictive substance, the patient should try to find an alternative. For example, a person with early signs of alcohol addiction can switch to chewing gum more often. It keeps their mind busy and shifts it from the use of the substance. 

Limiting screen-time

Limiting screen-time and investing more time in physical activities can help in fighting addiction. It needs a lot of time but maintaining a cut-off from screen-time has helped people with addiction.

Taking medical help

To solve the problem, the first step is to acknowledge it. Overcoming any kind of addiction begins with seeking medical help from experts. Improving the overall quality of life might comfort the patient and this can be achieved with the help of a medical expert.

Stress management

Stress management and relaxation combat addiction. Stress stimulates the urge to fulfill addiction. Trying yoga to relax or talking to a health expert might reduce stress and anxiety and thus help in keeping the addiction in control. 

People with addiction bounce from one addiction to another. They generally quit drugs and switch to alcohol or overeating. Quitting any kind of addiction is difficult but it is never impossible. People with long-term and ingrained addiction quit it with determination. It is never too late to seek help. Patients who show an early sign of addiction should not wait to hit the rock-bottom before taking medical help. 


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