A big thanks to all who have already RSVP’d for the first NJ CAN 2020 Social and Economic Impact Committee event coming up tomorrow evening!
When: TOMORROW, Tuesday, September 22 from 6PM – 7PM EST
Where: virtual via Zoom (link provided upon RSVP)
We are thrilled to be officially launching our event series and begin the conversation of what NJ CAN 2020 is fighting for, why this campaign is historic, and our path to success.
Panelists for this event will include:
Axel Owen (NJ CAN 2020 Campaign Manager)
Amol Sinha (Executive Director of the ACLU of New Jersey and NJ CAN 2020 Co-founder)
Jessica Gonzalez (Cannabis and IP Law Attorney at Bressler, Amery & Ross)
Scott Rudder (President of New Jersey CannaBusiness Association)
Hugh Giordano (Union Representative and Organizer at UFCW Local 152)
If you have not had the opportunity to RSVP, there is still time! You can do so today by clicking here and we will follow up with the Zoom link ASAP.
We are so excited to introduce our campaign to you tomorrow and discuss how we plan to not only make history in New Jersey, but rewrite it.
See you tomorrow!
– the NJ CAN 2020 Team