Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission Farewells Commissioner Britte McBride

Farewell Commissioner McBride

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Commissioner Britte McBride for her remarkable service and dedication to the Cannabis Control Commission.

Former Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission Head – Commissioner Britte McBride

Commissioner McBride is one of the most devoted and skilled public servants I have ever witnessed, never mind have had the honor of working alongside. Regardless of the complexity or intensity of an issue, Commissioner McBride’s ability to dissect, plan, and then execute solutions are second-to-none. Combine that with her down-to-earth demeanor and sharp wit, and you will understand why all of us are optimistic about her future while being sad to see her move on.


I invite you to hear what her colleagues had to say about her significant contributions to the agency in the video clip from our last public meeting below.

Commissioner McBride, I am grateful for your leadership and wish you all the best.

-Shawn Collins, Executive Director

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