South Australian Police Officer Sacked For Giving Cannabis To Known Grower To Calm Him Down During Firearms Audit

Many would say.. now there’s a police officer who should be given a promotion !

Unfortunately it isn’t the world we live in..

The ABC (Australia) reports

South Australia’s police chief has defended his decision to terminate the employment of an officer who gave cannabis to a mentally distressed man in what a judge described as a “misguided act of kindness”.

Former Port Augusta constable Tyson Schrapel yesterday faced court, but avoided conviction for giving cannabis to the known grower to calm him down during a firearms audit.

Schrapel, 25, was conducting the audit at the man’s house in February last year when the heavy user became distressed and started speaking about self-harm.

He asked the officer if he could smoke the cannabis.

Schrapel initially dismissed the idea, but felt sorry for the man and consented before a detective intervened.

The commissioner said the officer removed cannabis from an exhibit bag.

A magistrate described the offending as a “misguided act of kindness” and imposed a $300 fine.

Schrapel’s employment was terminated after the incident, and SA Police Commissioner Grant Stevens today defended that move, saying “it was a very difficult decision on my part”.

“This is a very sad set of affairs,” he said.

“Tyson made the decision to supply another person cannabis so that person could smoke that cannabis, so Tyson removed that cannabis from the exhibit bag and gave it to the person concerned.

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