The Impact Of Gut Health On Our Mood

Gut health has been widely used in medical researches and in general, appears a lot during online searches about health and digestion. However, it is not clear what it is and how it can be related to our body and mind.

To define gut health we can mention that it is what helps the functioning of the bacteria in different parts of our intestinal tract. It also describes the balance of this bacteria.

In other words: Gut health is what we understand by correct and effective digestion. Then what does digestion mean? Digestion is the absorption of food. The intestinal correct functioning is responsible for the immune system of our body, and the immune system itself is on duty for the fighting against diseases.

Having said this, some doubts can invade our brains.

  • How can we take care of our gut health?
  • Does gut health affect or emotional state?
  • How can I know that I have got problems with my gut?


How can we take care of our gut health?

It’s not only you, all of us have asked these questions to ourselves and if not will ask. First of all, to take care of your gut health it is essential to consider a healthy diet. So-called “GUT FRIENDLY FOOD” is highly recommended in addition to the big choice of C60 bundles.

  • If you are a meat lover chicken and fish are recommended. It is not a good idea to take charring meat.
  • Alcohol is the number one enemy for your gut health
  • It is also recommended to reduce the use of caffeine. Controlling its use you also control the acid reflux.
  • All sources of protein and fiber are welcome: nuts, beans, lentils

Exercising is a good option to maintain gut health on a positive level. Sleeping is another point to consider while treating gut problems. You should sleep at least 7-8 hours per day.


Does gut health affect or emotional state?

Some research on animals has found out that gut health problems can cause serious health disorders such as Parkinson’s. It is also believed that alterations in the gut can affect autism, anxiety, stress and depression. The neurochemicals produced by gut bacteria help our brain work and think. Learning and memory are closely related to gut health.

What gets more affected by gut bacteria disorders is our mood. Nearly the whole amount of serotonin is produced by gut bacteria.


How can I know that I have got problems with my gut?

The main points to pay attention to discover our gut problems are digestive disorders. However, not all simple symptoms are alarms for gut health. If the symptoms mentioned afterward persist then it’s time to consult a specialist.


  • náusea
  • heartburn
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • loose stools
  • weight loss (not as a cause of diet)
  • constipation


These alterations can be a cause of very innocent issues, but can also be an alert sign to investigate more and find the real reason.

Our gut is much more complicated and funny than we can imagine. Here are some curiosities about the gut.

  • Our gut has its nervous system
  • A healthy gut protects our bones
  • Nearly 100 millions brain cells are stored in our gut


Take care of your gut and it will make you happy !!!



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