Who Are The Australian Hemp Party & What Is Their Platform ?

Simply put this is what they are after


They details their Aims for cannabis in Australia thus

The Aims & Objectives of the Party shall be:

  1. to endorse candidates to contest federal elections.
  2. to legalise Cannabis in all states and territories of Australia for
    1. personal use
    2. medical and therapeutic
    3. industrial purposes
  3. collecting and disseminating knowledge relating to all or any of the Party’s aims
  4. campaigning to, and lobbing of, all sectors of the community
  5. organising fund raising for the Party
  6. conducting and facilitating research relating to all or any of the Party’s aims
  7. to apply for and seek public funding for electoral purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Australian Electoral Act (1918) as amended
  8. do all such things as may be necessary, expedient or desirable to carry out the aims of the Party as seen herein.

OUTCOMES – Cannabis: Suggestions for Reform

  • More community involvement in decision making around local issues concerning drug use
  • Abolish the offence of using Cannabis
  • Decriminalise possession of small quantities of Cannabis
  • Decriminalise personal cultivation of Cannabis
  • Legalise possession of Cannabis for genuine medical reasons
  • Address issues of public consumption of Cannabis through community policing (eg: “drug free zones”)
  • Provide more funds for treatment services

This would result in:

  • bringing down the black market price of Cannabis to less than heroin
  • less crime and less police and court time wasted
  • Cannabis users being more likely to discuss their use with doctors
  • less tobacco addictions
  • the community having greater influence over appropriate behaviour
  • police having more discretion in dealing with individuals
  • less rejection and alienation of young people


Registered Party

On 17 June 2010 the delegate determined that the party’s application had passed its initial consideration for registration and the application was advertised for public objection on 23 June 2010. The issue of writs on 19 July 2010 for the federal elections meant that no further action could be taken on this application until the final return of all outstanding writs on 17 September 2010.

No objections to the registration were received. The delegate of the Australian Electoral Commission determined that the Marijuana (HEMP) Party should be registered under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.

☐ State and Territory Branches

NSW electoral laws make it very tough for new, small political parties to get on the official register in NSW. The registration laws are the toughest and most restrictive in Australia. The HEMP Party is currently seeking official registration of individual State and Territory branches of the Party.

To apply for registration in NSW a political party must submit its application no less than 15 months out from the calling of an election, have 750 members who are also currently on the electoral roll in NSW plus pay an application fee of $2,000. Federal, Victorian and Queensland laws require 500 members to qualify for registration, less registration fees, and shorter time periods to apply for and attain official registration. Federal and State Branch application forms are listed on the JOIN page.


More information at    https://hemp.org.au/about/

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