It’s Official Legalise Cannabis WA Wins Senate Seat In Western Australia

Two micro-parties , one wanting to legalise marijuana and the other adopt daylight saving now have a voice on the crossbench of Western Australia’s Upper House, despite receiving just a fraction of the primary vote. Reports The Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


The Legalise Marijuana WA Party’s Sophia Moermond has secured a seat in the Legislative Council’s South West region from 2 per cent of votes.
“The Legalise Cannabis Party was elected by 2 per cent of the vote. Another 12 per cent, which was arranged by preference deals and organised through the ticket votes, has helped them get elected.”

Meanwhile, the Daylight Saving Party’s Wilson Tucker has been elected in the Mining and Pastoral Region after starting the count with just 98 votes, or 0.2 per cent.

Full report.

Contact the Senator via her FB Page where of course you’ll learn that the issues are actually about people’s health rights not as the tabloid press might want to frame it ( see below)

The Albany Herald is somewhat over excited !

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