A Busy Week At The WLSCB – 3 Alerts Today ! – Final Rules on Cannabis Samples Adopted – Requirement for samples, and lab results to be entered in the state traceability system (CCRS) – Board Meetings


LCB Action: Final Rules on Cannabis Samples Adopted

On Mar. 26, 2025, during its regularly scheduled meeting the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) took the following action:

Final rules filed (CR-103P) on Cannabis Samples

The Board approved final rule amendments to the rule on Cannabis Samples in WAC 314-55-096. The amendments take effect Apr. 26, 2025.

More information is available on the LCB Current Rulemaking Activity webpage. If you have any questions about this announcement, please contact rules@lcb.wa.gov.


To:         Cannabis Labs and Industry Members

Fr:          Enforcement and Education Division

Re:         Follow Up Message to Labs Sent Feb. 28, 2025

This message is to follow-up an email sent to labs on Feb. 28, 2025, regarding the requirement for samples, and lab results to be entered in the state traceability system (CCRS). This educational reminder stemmed from violations that had been identified regarding samples and COAs not being entered into CCRS.

Tests listed in WAC 314-55-102 and WAC 246-70 are being done under names such as “non-mandatory” or “R&D” and it appears this could be done to bypass reporting the results of those tests. Product that failed for pesticides and solvents are then making it to market.

All samples must be tracked in traceability, and any test that includes a field noted in WAC 314-55-102 must be uploaded to CCRS. Traceability requirements in WAC 314-55-083 continue in full effect with no change.

This message is to all industry members so that licensees are aware and receive the same compliance requirements.

We are aware there were old CCRS training resources available on YouTube that discuss “non-mandatory” testing. We have since removed links to those videos on the LCB website as it does not reflect the current language of the WACs.

We are continuing to have internal discussion regarding what licensees may be referring to as “R&D” and “non-mandatory testing. However, this does not change our enforcement of the current WACs.

Understanding there may have been some confusion with the videos on YouTube, and perceptions of past practices, LCB will be working over the next 90 days to increase education and awareness of WAC 314-55-102 requirements regarding labs and the issue of “R&D” and “non-mandatory” to help ensure broader understanding of compliance requirements.

Thank you for your review.


To streamline service delivery, the Liquor and Cannabis Board is making some strategic changes to the Board meeting, Board caucus and the Executive Management Team (EMT) meeting.

In keeping with Gov. Ferguson’s priority of increasing government efficiency, the Board is making changes to the frequency and conduct of its public meetings. The intent of these changes is to enhance efficiency, productivity, and strengthen community engagement. It will also provide Board members with the additional time needed to adequately review material, research relevant information, and talk with content experts on agency business. In addition, it will provide more time for strategic policy discussions on any number of topics that our stakeholders are facing.

At its Tues. Mar. 25, 2026 Board Caucus, the Board continued its discussions began at the previous caucus and agreed to timelines and plans going forward.

By streamlining Board operations, optimizing how resources are allocated and fostering stronger connections with our stakeholders, we hope to further the agency’s overall efforts of being agile and responsive.

Board Efficiencies 

Board Caucus

The Board will continue its weekly caucus meeting cadence through April. Effective May 6, 2025, the Board will meet for caucus every other week to discuss agency business. This represents a change from weekly caucus meetings. Both in-person and online attendance will continue to be available to the public.

Board Meetings

Effective May 7, 2025, the Board meetings will move from twice per month to once per month. The Board would also change how it will receive public comment. The Board places a great value in public comment. The current process places public comment at the end of the meeting. This does not provide opportunity for the Board to adequately review and consider feedback before taking action.

Beginning with the Apr. 9, 2025, Board meeting, public comment will transition from oral public comment to written comment. The agenda will be posted on the Friday before the Board meeting, giving the public time to respond and Board members time to review before the meeting occurs. This will give the Board more time to consider comments and have staff follow up. To accommodate written comment, the Board is setting up an email account for submissions. Though not required — we’ve received feedback, and agree, to implement a process for public comment to be posted following each Board meeting.

Beginning in May, the public hearing process, as part of rulemaking, between CR 102 and CR 103 would be decoupled from the Board meeting. The public hearings would be run by staff and held on a different day and time than Board meetings.

As is the case now, during meetings Board members may engage with staff on related agenda items, but Board members will not respond to inquiries from the public. A removable barrier between Board/staff and seating will help keep the meeting flowing without interruption.

Executive Management Team (EMT)

This monthly meeting includes the Board and select division directors. These meetings will retain its current format and monthly cycle. The Board will work with the agency director to talk about how the meeting can become a more focused discussion.

Advisory Groups

Lastly, the Board expressed interest in rebooting the advisory groups it had paused during the COVID epidemic. In the past, these public meetings were held with the full Board together with the industries the agency regulates such as cannabis and alcohol as well as communities we collaborate with such as the public health community. The Board expects to discuss at future Caucus meetings.

The Board will continue to evaluate and consider how we proceed. While the Board will move forward with the above changes, based on stakeholder feedback, adjustments may be made. The Board will continue to identify additional opportunities to create efficiencies and streamline processes while remaining open to hear directly from staff who have suggestions they would like considered.

As an agency, we are always driven by our commitment to continuous improvement and public engagement while maintaining efficiency and fiscal responsibility. The changes will help us bolster that commitment.

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