Vermont- Alert: A few helpful reminders about license renewals

A few helpful reminders about license renewals:

  • Your renewal deadline is 30 days before your license expiration date.
  • Your renewal deadline is the last day that you can submit your renewal.
  • Each licensee is able to view their license expiration date in CCB’s portal within the Existing Licenses Issued (Renewals) section of the navigation bar.
  • You are able to start working on your renewal within 90 days of the license expiration date. You will receive an automated email reminding you.
  • The “Renewal” option is removed 30 days prior to your license expiration date so you should be working on your renewal well in advance of the renewal deadline as CCB staff require at least 30 days to review your renewal and alert you to any application deficiencies.

Tier-3 (All) & Tier-2 (Mixed) Cultivation Applications Due Before April 1

On February 28, 2024 the Cannabis Control Board voted to indefinitely close the window to submit applications for all types of tier-3 cultivation licenses and mixed tier-2 cultivation licenses, effective midnight April 1st, 2024.

This means that applicants or licensees wishing to be licensed as any type of tier-3 cultivator or as a tier-2 mixed cultivator must submit a complete application for licensure by March 31, 2024.

Learn more!

Should you have any questions, you can always reach a member of the CCB Licensing Team by sending an email to [email protected]

Employee Identification Card Application

We encourage all cannabis employers to have employees initiate their own employee ID application. The application includes personal and sensitive information that someone may feel uncomfortable disclosing in front of their employer.

In addition, the application requires the applicant to attest to answers as truthful and accurate. 

a close up of a cannabis plant with aphids on it

Product Registration


Once you pick your product registration payment method there is no going back. You must proceed with that payment option whether you are paying online or with a check.

This means that if you select the check option you cannot go back and pay online.

Members of the public who require ADA accommodations or translation services should contact Kelsi Alger ([email protected]) at least 24 hours in advance of any meeting.

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