Advisory: Medpharm Holdings, LLC, d.b.a. Bud & Mary’s Cannabis – “exceeded acceptable limits established for Total Yeast and Mold”

The Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR), in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), is issuing a Health and Safety Advisory (HSA) due tothe identification of contaminated Regulated Marijuana flower(bud/shake/trim) produced and sold by Medpharm Holdings, LLC, d.b.a. Bud & Mary’s Cannabis.

Please find this and previous HSAs on the Marijuana Enforcement Division’s HSA webpage.

250128 HSA Medpharm Holdings LLC



Here’s the official company statement on the recall

“At Bud & Mary’s, quality and safety are our top priorities. A recent test at the retail level identified microbial contamination in a batch of our flower. Before release, this batch passed all testing requirements using state-approved third-party labs. 

On December 27, 2024, more than a month before the advisory went out, we voluntarily contacted all retailers carrying the affected batches, providing guidance on proper destruction in accordance with MED regulations. 

We are working closely with the MED to review and strengthen our processes to prevent future issues. This includes auditing our procedures, exploring enhanced testing, and investing in new technologies. 

We remain committed to transparency, compliance, and delivering safe, high-quality cannabis to our customers.”

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