Albanian Instagram Influencer Explains How To Get Into UK & Run Weed Grows

The Daily Mail is “horrified”. 

I’d have thought the Conservative party would be impressed by his entrepreneuriakl skills!

The Mail reports It emerged earlier this year that the Home Office plans to begin paying Albanian influencers to tell their followers not to come to Britain illegally. 



Braci claims to make £25,000 a month from his social media accounts, and regularly shares photos of him posing with expensive cars and designer gear.

One photo shows him standing next to a man in a black SUV in front of a house flying the Union flag.

The influencer, who has tattoos of AK-47s on his chest and right arm, is seen in another photo wearing a Chelsea shirt in front of a red Audi.

Dr Alexandros K Antoniou, an expert in social media law at the University of Essex, said it was ‘astonishing’ Instagram had not only let Braci share drug-related content but let him to become one of the biggest stars in Albania on its platform after doing so.

Braci was tracked down by the Express to a Communist-era block of flats in Albania’s capital, TIrana.

He claimed the tours of cannabis farm were unplanned and he had stopped making such videos.

The influencer said he did not endorse criminality and said some of his compatriots had gone to deal drugs in Britain ‘because of a life filled with hardships’.

It emerged earlier this year that the Home Office plans to begin paying Albanian influencers to tell their followers not to come to Britain illegally.

In a modern-day update of the ‘public information film’, the £100,000 plan is designed to get messages through to ‘hard to reach’ groups who fall for lies peddled by people traffickers.

The scheme emerged in Downing Street from Cass Horowitz, the social media expert behind ‘Brand Rishi’. But campaigners branded it ‘toy town tinkering’ and say it will have ‘zero impact’.

Albanian gangsters now exert ‘considerable control’ over the UK cocaine market, according to a United Nations report, with violent criminals importing the drug from their counterparts in mainland Europe through ports in south-east England.

Notorious gangs include Hellbanianz, which is based in East London and crowds about its criminal activities on social media.

It recently emerged that 80 Albanian migrants have been sentenced to a total of 130 years in jail over the first four months of the year.

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