Alert: Important Message for Potential Social Equity License Applicants: DIA Map Thresholds Adjusted

The Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) created the Disproportionately Impacted Area (DIA) maps based on the definitions provided by the legislature in RCW 69.50.335. The DIA maps were released two weeks ago and uploaded to our social equity website. We have since heard from community members who expressed concerns that these maps did not identify enough places that were more likely to have been impacted by the war on drugs.

After thoughtful consideration of the feedback and ensuring we follow the criteria established by the legislature, the LCB has increased the number of census tracts that qualify as a DIA by increasing the threshold of the “high rate,” which is mandated by law, from 20% to 30% for the following indicators:

  • The area has a high poverty rate;
  • The area has a high rate of participation in income-based federal programs;
  • The area has a high rate of unemployment; and
  • The area has a high rate of convictions.

Please know the LCB does not have the authority to change the above indicators to determine DIAs. The LCB appreciates the community feedback and is dedicated to implementing a program that provides licensing opportunities for those harmed by the war on drugs.

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